Preparing and Nightmares

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Today is our comeback show. Not to bad seeing as it wasn't a tour and it was in Korea. But none the less we woke up kind of early to get ready and practice some before we left.

When I woke up I was sluggish and my body slightly hurt. But I still dragged my tired butt to the bathroom and got ready. I still put on comfy clothes since our outfits are at the place. When I was done I walked over to the kitchen for a glass of milk. Coffee slightly messes with my stomach when I drink it and then dance. So Jin already said I couldn't drink it.

When I was done with the glass I set it in the sink and walked over to the living room. I waited a few minutes until the others were ready. When we went out to the car. I could tell everyone was more awake. Except Suga of course.

"I'm going to *yawn* sit with Suga." I announced between my yawns.

Jungkook pouted but I was too tired to really notice or care.

Suga got in first and sat in the back. I followed and sat in the back with him. Shoot I forgot the back had 3 seats. Suga and I each got window seats. Guess who decided to try and sit in the middle? If you guessed Jungkook, you would be right. Lucky for me Jimin stopped him and sat there instead.

Don't get me wrong. I'm pretty sure I have a crush on Jungkook. But right now? I'm tired as hell and want more sleep. So as soon as the car started. I was out like a light. I didn't wake up until Jimin shook me awake. In my sleepy defenseless state. He left me with the worst task of all.

Waking up Suga. Sorry about this Suga. I got out and stood right in front of the open door. Ready to make a run for it.

"GET YOUR ASS UP MIN YOONGI!!!!" I waited a minute to see if it worked.

His eyes opened lazily and sent me a murderous look. I only smiled.

"Sorry Suga Hyung but we're here." His expression softened a bit when I said Hyung. So I'm probably safe. I turned around and left once I knew Suga was fully awake.

I went into the building and was immediately met by the sight of the other members getting into place. I got into mine and the music began. We started to dance. After about an hour and a half. We were finally done and I couldn't be happier. How are these boys alive?! This is my first album with them. Yet they've been doing this for years and I'm the one exhausted.

Jungkook must of sensed my irritation and came over with to me with a smirk on his face.

"Tired?" I could only nodded as I gulped my water.

"We were too when it was our first album. But we've gotten used to it and you will too." His smirk was replaced by his bunny like grin. I couldn't help but to smile right back at him.

"Thank you Kookie." He nodded and walked away.

"Alright Bangtan Boys! Let's go!" We all nodded and walked off to the car. I sat beside Jungkook this time since I was much more awake.

But we only played on our phones anyway. Well that was until I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked to my right to see Jungkook laughing. He was just using my leg as a support. He looked over apologetically at me. He then started furiously tapping on his phone. I wondered what he was laughing at. But decided not to when I saw his face turn completely serious.

I continued to mess with my phone until we arrived. When we did we immediately went to the dressing room. I got lucky. We had our own sections. I walked into the one that had a V on the curtain. I found my outfit and put it on. I had my dark hair right now. I would have my dark hair until the video for Stigma. But then after they would dye my hair blonde.

Not really sure how I feel about that. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how it looks. I walked out and over to make up. It took awhile and when they were finally done. I was sent into a small coughing fit.

"V?" I looked over at the lady who did my make up.

"Are you ok?" I smiled at her gratefully.

"I am. I'm just not used to make up." She nodded and I got up. I walked over to another chair for hair, playing on my phone while she styled it a bit.

When everyone was done we went through the routine a few times. Then we got to rest for about an hour. Seeing as we were all very tired since we've been through that routine about 6 or 7 times already today. I plopped on the couch. As I was closing my eyes I heard someone.

"Tae? Tae?" I couldn't decipher who it was as I was already falling asleep. Big mistake I realized later. Someone important wasn't beside me.

We were all up on stage. I was so nervous. I looked over to see the reassuring bunny like smile of Jungkook. I didn't even remember how I got up on stage. Strange but I just shook it off. I looked out to see the thousands. Possibly million of fans. They were all chanting the new fan chant. The one that included my name right before Jungkooks. I thought everything was perfect. But I was very wrong. Because at that moment I heard a loud creaking noise. I look up to see a loose stage light. "V! Look out!" One of the stage managers called out. But I was glued to my spot by fear. Right as it broke. I was pushed out of the way. By Jungkook. He was hit in the head and immediately claimed dead. I was a sobbing mess. "Jungkook!" I yelled out in pain. I couldn't loose him. I couldn't. I knew I liked him but I was to much of a coward to admit it. So there I sobbed next to his unmoving body. My knees getting more and more soaked in blood by the second. "Tae?" I heard. I turned to see the ghost of Jungkook. "It's all your fault!" He yelled. Which only made me sob more. Suddenly it felt like an earthquake and I heard someone calling my name over and over. But no ones mouth was moving.

I shot up from the couch and frantically looked around. I saw Jungkook smiling at me in concern. I waisted no time in wrapping him in a hug.

"It's ok Tae. It was just a nightmare. But we need to perform soon. Let's get you back to make up. You're ok now." He said in a soothing voice.

"But you weren't." I whispered so I thought he couldn't hear.

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