Packing and Possessive

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We just finished practicing and putting together a new choreography for DNA. It took a lot of my strength to go slowly and not speed up the dance. When we got home we immediately all began to pack. While we were Jungkook seemed to be zoning out a lot.

"Kookie?" I called out to him. He seemed to snap out of it.

"Yeah?" He answered. I went over and wrapped my arms around him from behind and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I coaxed. He sighed and shook his head.

"Nothing. I'm going to go talk to Suga Hyung." He answered. I let him go. But there's no way I'm not following him. I have never been more thankful that I can walk quietly. I used to scare the shit out of my parents when I did this. Now time to scare the shit out of my boyfriend. I followed him as he went to Suga's room. He never turned around so it made it easier. When he got there I made sure to stay out of sight.

"Hey Suga Hyung?" I hear Jungkook call out.

"What do you want Kook? I'm packing." Suga answers him. I hear Kookie scoff a bit and continue.

"I want to know why you seemed so insistent on not getting mad at Tae." He insisted. I kind of want to know too.

"What does it matter to you?" Suga spat. Jungkook just groaned.

"Because he's my boyfriend and it makes no sense for you to not get on him. You're never like that." Kookie insisted more. Now I'm getting more curious.

"Fine! If it'll get you to leave me alone.... I kind of like Tae." Suga muttered but I still heard. Look I'm not an idiot. I knew Suga used to have a crush on Jungkook. Or Suga told me. I dunno know ,I don't remember.

"But aren't you with Hobi Hyung?" I spoke up. It caused Jungkook to jump and Suga's face to go bright red as he snapped his head toward me.

"T-Tae?" I nodded. Jungkooks eyes were very wide.

"I followed you because you had a look in your eyes I didn't like. Now, Suga?" He looked up at me from his sitting position on the floor.

"Yeah?" Suga slowly said.

"Can we go somewhere and talk?" Jungkook eyes widened and he took his arm pushing me behind him.

"Oh hell no!" Jungkook shouted. I glare at him and stepped in front of him.

"And just why not?" I hissed at him.

"First of all we need to pack..." I put my hand up to stop him. Before he could question me I sped around the dorm packing the others suitcases and my own. So that when I returned roughly 2 seconds later. Everyone's suitcases were packed. Except Lilly because Breigh agreed to come and pup sit her and she's bringing her dog with her.

"No we don't." He looks at me strangely but before he could open his mouth the other members yelled.

"Taehyung! Did you pack our suitcases?!" 4 of the members yelled.

"Yes!" I called back. They all just thanked me.

"It's getting late." Jungkook tried again. I glared at him.

"It's only 6 o'clock. Not to mention I can speed us there to talk and speed us back before 7. So what is your deal?" I growl at him. He's making me frustrated. He leans his mouth close to my ear.

"The deal is you are mine."He said lowly causing shivers to go down my spine.

"I know that." I said out loud. Jungkook turned to glare at Suga.

"Fine. But if you try anything Hyung. You'll regret it. I'm sorry. But he's mine." I see Suga open his mouth and I speed over to him so I can hear it because I know he's about to mutter.

"I don't see a ring on that finger." He muttered. I zip back over to Kookie.

"Suga..." I say in a warning tone.

"What?" He asks confused. Probably because he doesn't know what I just did.

"I heard what you said." I elaborate. His eyes widen slightly.

"How?" He questions in disbelief.

"I'm a speedster remember? I knew you were going to mutter so I sped over to you while you said it." I answer him. He only face palms.

"Now lets go before it gets to late." I tell him. Before I can move Jungkook grabs my wrist yanking me back to him. He pecks my lips before whispering to me once more in a low voice.

"Don't forget what I said. You're mine now and forever. One day I will put a ring on that finger. So don't doubt it." I nod and peck his cheek before going over and grabbing Yoongi's hand. He hands me a face mask that I put on as he puts on his own. I then speed us to a cafe. When we get there we sit in silence until we order. I got a vanilla shake and Yoongi got a lemonade.

"Why? What about Hoseok?" I finally speak up. He sighs and rubs his temples. Then just shrugs.

"I don't know. I used to have a crush on Jungkook. So when you two got together I thought I would hate you. But I could never bring myself to do so. Of course I like Hoseok. But I think I liked you first. Taehyung? How could someone not like you? You're a little sweetheart who's silly and kind. How could I not fall for you? But i fell for Hoseok second. As in I fell for him after you. So I want you to listen closely to what I say next. Can you do that for me?" I don't know what to say so I just nod as he smiles at me.

"There's a saying that if you're choosing between two people. To go for the second one. Because if you really loved the first one. You wouldn't of fallen for the second one. So that's why I went with Hoseok. Because I do love him. And I think I'm getting over you. Even if I do seem jealous. Just know that I will always love you. But from now on i will try and make sure it stays a brotherly love. But don't think I won't do everything in my power to save you if that time ever comes. Do you understand what I'm saying Taehyung?" I look at him as I have a few tears wet my cheeks.

"I love you too Yoongi. It's just more of a brotherly love. Oh! We should probably head back. We still have that flight to catch." He nods and we speed back. Once we get there as soon as I stop in Suga's room my wrist is grabbed. I squeal in surprise and I'm suddenly dragged to my room. I look and it's none other than my possessive boyfriend.

"Why did you do that?" I ask him. He says nothing but comes closer to me until my back hits the wall and he has both my wrists pinned above my head.

"What exactly did he say?" He asks me. I look at him and see that same look from earlier. I wonder if he recognizes what it means. Only one way to find out.

"What does that look in your eyes? The one you have right now?" He narrows his eyes a bit. Then seems to be thinking for a moment.

"This look I have in my eyes? I only got it when I fell for you Kim Taehyung. It means that you're mine and no one else's. And when that' s threatened it will never turn out pretty. Look I know you have doubts. But you shouldn't. I've never felt this way before about anyone and that's not going to change. I love you. I love you so much that it brings out the possessive side of me. Because you will always be mine and mine alone. No one will take you away from me. Ever." He says. Before I could say anything back. He smashes his lips onto mine.

I squeak a bit. But then kiss back. I can feel him smirk before he pulls back. He pulls me to bed and wraps his arm around my waist.

"All mine." I hear him mutter before falling asleep. I fall asleep a few minutes later.

Tomorrow is a big day. I'm heading back to America.

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