Worry At The AMA's

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(AN: I am doing Taehyungs POV again for a good reason.On with the story!)


I wake up with excitement! But of course also worry and fear for Hoseok and Jimin. I'm super excited for the AMA's! We couldn't perform at the BBMA's which Jimin was the most upset about. But now we have a chance to perform in America! I can't wait! But it doesn't start until much later. Even though we have to get there an hour early to make sure everything will work properly for our performance and so we can rehearse.

I'm sitting on the bed watching TV when Kookie wakes up. I received a text earlier from Namjoon asking if we wanted to have breakfast with them. I told him Kookie wasn't Awake yet and we would when he was. So now I'm texting him and letting him know Kookie finally woke up. I give him a few minutes to stretch and yawn.

"Wanna go eat breakfast with the others?" I ask him. He looks at me with messy bed hair and sleepy eyes. He groans and stretches again.

"Alright." He answers. I nod and we head downstairs after telling the others. We go and sit down with the other after getting some food. We all excitedly talk about the AMA's while also calming down Hoseok and Jimin.

"What if they actually kill us?" Jimin asks in worry. I place my hand on his. I see Jungkook glaring at our hands. But for the moment I shrug it off.

"I will be there to catch the bullet if that happens. I promise. Ok?" He nods and sighs a bit in relief.

"Don't worry. Ok? I know you were upset when we didn't perform at the BBMA's. But now we are performing. So please be happy." He nods and smiles a genuine smile. I look over at Hoseok and he nods. I finally take my hand off Jimins and go back to my food.

When we're all done. We head back to our respective rooms and decide to just chill for awhile. We're all wearing comfy sweats at the moment. I sit down on my bed and go on my phone. I hear the door close and look up to see Kookie.

"Hey." I greet him. He smiles back in getting.

"Aren't you worried?" He questions me. I sit up and shut off my phone. He comes over picking me up and sitting down. Then placing me in his lap. I blush and get up. I turn around and straddle his lap so I can see him better.

"About what?" I ask him. He sighs. He looks scared about something. I don't want my Kookie to be scared. Honestly I don't like seeing him in any emotion other than happy.

"About possibly revealing your speed to save Jimin and Hoseok?" I giggle and shake my head. Then I kiss his lips gently. Pulling away a moment later to see a pouting Kookie.

"No, because I will save any of your lives no matter what it takes and at any cost. I can't let any of you be killed. So if it becomes true. I will run and catch the bullet before it can hit them." He nods. But still looks upset. I place my hands on either side of his head and cup his cheeks.

"Please don't stress yourself out. Be happy instead. We are performing at the AMA's!" I exclaim happily. He nods and finally smiles.

"Alright. Do what you got to do baby. " I smirk and decide to tease him.

"Ok, oppa." He looks at me shocked but I only grin. I laugh at his reaction after a few minutes of it still staying.

"What? Do you have an Oppa kink?" He blushes a deep red.

"I think I do now." He mutters. But of course I heard it.

"Why? I thought you would be upset by it. You hate when people call you Oppa. Especially people who are older than you." He looks into my eyes with so much love. That I almost miss the hint of lust that's also in his eyes.

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