Dating and slight Jealousy

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I watch in jealousy as they act lovey dovey. I can't be mad though. They make an amazing couple. It's been about a week since Jungkook confessed and Taehyung happily accepted. All fans actually love the couple. How could you not? Jungkook is so much brighter and he shows off his adorable bunny smile much more often.

I squeeze Jimin's hand. In comfort only of course. Seeing as Jimin likes Tae's friend. Tae gave his friend Breigh all our numbers. But surprisingly enough she doesn't text much. Only to ask how Tae and ourselves are doing. But I guess she sensed my jealousy in the interview that was published not long ago. Because the next thing I know. My phone is dinging and Breigh's name pops up on the screen.

Yoongi? Are you jealous of the Taekook relationship? Don't bother denying it. It was obvious in my opinion.

How? I'm not even one to show much emotion. Was I really that obvious? I tried not to be...

I said you were obvious to me. But I actually know you better than most ARMY. Thanks to Tae nonstop talking about you guys. Especially Kook. But Yoongi? How do you know you truly like Kook? I mean no offense. But what if it's a school girl crush and you actually like someone else in the group.

I don't. But I can't like Jimin. He already likes someone else. But I may like Hoseok. He's just a bundle of sunshine. What's not to love? And I know Kookie loves Tae. But what do I do if they don't go away?

Yoongi I know I haven't known you long. But I feel like you're one of my best friends. If they don't go away. I will fly to Korea and comfort you. If they do? I'll still fly there and we can talk as much as you want. But who does Jimin like?

Sorry. That's a secret. But I would really like that. I'll let you know when. I'll talk to you later Breigh. We have another interview in a few despite having one roughly a week ago.

Good luck. I'll talk to you later Yoongs.

I chuckled at the nickname. She just randomly started using it. I squeezed Jimin's hand as I did feel better. I think I'll move on from you Kook. Even if I like you. I know I don't love you. So it's easier to move on. And so that's what I'll do.

Taehyung (POV)

I couldn't be happier. I am finally dating Kookie. I think I really do love him. But I noticed Yoongi's slight aggravation toward me and sadness toward Jungkook. I hope I didn't ruin something. We have to an interview today. And honestly? I'm nervous as hell. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist as we walk into the building.

"Babe, relax. Just answer truthfully. That's all you have to do." I nodded in response and we kept walking until we got to the room.

When we entered we all took a seat. I of course sat next to Kookie. When we were all seated the MC smiled at us.

"Alright lets start with the main topic that's on everyone's mind. The Taekook couple. So are you guys officially dating?" I smiled at Kookie and he smiled back.

"Yes." We answered in unison. The MC smiled at us.

"When did it happen? You never asked each other out on stage. Only the confession happened." The MC asked with interest.

"I asked him out when we got off stage. To which he happily excepted." Jungkook answered with confidence and a smile. The MC smiled once more.

"That's great. So, you guys do know this is for a magazine right?" We all nodded.

Honestly? We'd be complete idiots if we didn't know that. But, oh well.

"I want the front cover to be a picture of all of you. But then on the inside. Pictures of once again all of you. Then a picture of V and Jungkook doing something coupe like." The MC squealed.

Why am I not surprised? The MC is a young female. Mid twenties at the very most. Jungkook nodded in agreement to her request.

"Ok. So, how exactly did you two meet?" Jungkook looked at me and I nodded. Everyone knew his side of the story. But no one knew mine.

" I originally went to Korea with my best friend Breigh. We got booked on separate flights because I chose a random plane. I had worn most of my BTS merchandise that day. Seeing as I was actually a huge fan. So anyway, I had sat down on the plane. I almost immediately went to sleep. When I woke up I felt someone looking at me and I turned to see Jungkook. I was very surprised. He was the first to talk and we ended up talking for the rest of the flight. So for about 5 hours." I explained surprisingly without stammering. I mentally patted my self on the back for that one.

We answered question after question. Until it was finally time for the mini photo shoot. We did some group pictures. Me being placed by either Jungkook or Jimin. We had a total of 5 group pictures. In one I'm in between Jungkooks legs. In another Jimin's arm is wrapped around me. I was so happy about the third. Namjoon and Jin stood next to each other with Namjoons arms wrapped around Jin. I internally squealed on that one until I reminded myself to keep my inner fan boy in check.

When it was done I looked over at Suga. He seemed sad. I walked over and hugged him from behind. He made a move to hit me when I screamed out of fear.

"Don't you dare!" He immediately retracted his hand.

I looked over at the other members looking at us in disbelief. At least all of them except Jungkook. He looked over in jealousy.

"Chill Kookie." I cooed.

Didn't work. He came over and yanked me off Suga. He immediately wrapped his arm around me, acting completely possessive.

"But Suga!" I yelled in protest.

I whined when Jungkook didn't give in. Still didn't work. I looked around and spotted Hobi .

"Hobi! Go comfort Yoongi! I want to. But he won't let me!" I yelled jamming my finger in Jungkooks chest.

He only laughed at me and kissed my head. I groaned. But smiled a bit.

"Got it!" Hobi yelled back walking over to Yoongi.

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