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A/N I know right, wtf an update!?

Before you read any further, PLEASE READ THIS.


First of all, I'm so sorry for how long it has been. As some of you might know, I've moved house and have recently gone back to school after a year off. It's full on, theres a lot of coursework. On top of that, I also have a job to go to as well as work placement and homework, so time is limited.
That being said, I've had most of this chapter written since I posted the previous chapter. I haven't written for so long due to lack of time, but also due to some hate comments I was receiving on smokescreen. The comments left personally attacked me and my decision to write Alec as a bisexual character for this fan fiction. I was called stupid. I was called trash. I was called a homophobe (This one hurt, because it couldn't be further from the truth.) 

Please, please, please understand that it was never my intention for this book or Smokescreen to be harmful. I understand that changing a gay character's sexuality can be viewed as harmful or damaging.

That was never, ever my intention - and it never will be.

So if you do come across those comments, please don't comment back to them.  I never intended to hurt anyone. I don't know how much more I can say it.
(When I last checked the comments were gone as I'm almost certain that user has blocked me, but just incase - please don't comment back. I don't agree with the way they went about it, but they are entitled to their opinion. Freedom of speech and all that.) 

I lost all enjoyment from writing both this, and my other book War of Hearts, after I received those comments. I wanted to delete Wattpad. I wanted to stop writing altogether.

But I'm here, and if you are too, thanks for sticking around.

This one's for you. xo 



'Azazel's attacks go as far as far south as the meatpacking district, and then the trail runs cold.'

The day had barely started and already the Inquisitor had made her displeasure at their previous nights activities known. There was a definite tension about the group, and a need to prove themselves now more than ever with the inquisitor's eyes on them.

Alec had already recovered another four dead mundane's with the same MO as Azazel's other known attacks that morning alone. The greater demon was free, and he was clearly enjoying causing terror and destruction wherever he went.

'It's no use just tracking the dead bodies. With his ability to dematerialize, he could be anywhere.' Jace commented, arms folded over his chest.

'Maybe we can help.' A new voice joined the conversation.

'Izzy!' Clary exclaimed. 'We've been so worried about you, where have you have you been?'

Adelaide looked up in surprise, seeing Isabelle looking refreshed and much healthier than she had previously. Her recovery was astounding, and Adelaide found herself staring for a few moments at her former parabatai, and then at the tall blonde male by her side.

The strangest sensation seemed to hit Adelaide as she looked at the newcomer, almost a sense of recognition, as though she'd seen him somewhere before... Adelaide's vision went hazy, and she blinked rapidly to clear it, coming back into reality quickly.

What was it that she'd been thinking? Something about Isabelle?

Isabelle's eyes moved from Alec to Adelaide, realising quickly that the two had been true to their word and told no one about her struggles. She turned to Clary with a small shrug. 'Looking for Azazel.'

Isabelle seemed to remember her companion as she turned to smile at him. 'This is Sebastian Verlac, from the London institute. When the demon came after me, Sebastian saved my life.'

Love and War 》Alec Lightwood (Smokescreen Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now