"I happen to think that your very beautiful"

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Hello everyone, I hope you are well♥️

I don't really think anyone is reading this, so I don't need an introduction. Haha.

But if you happen to be reading this for some crazy reason, I hope you like my new imagine!! Here it is:

"Hello beauttifell" a slurred voice spoke.

The petite girl slowly turned her head away from the bar she was sat at to be faced with an older man.

He was looking at her up and down like he would pounce on her at any second.

She gulped.

"Hello" the girl politely replied, before turning back to face the bar, hoping he would get the hint leave her be.

But of course it's never that easy.

"You are just gorjuss aint ya, I wouldent mind taking you home with meee" he growled in her right ear.

Fear shot through the girl as she tried to calm her breathing a bit.

She knew she should have just gone home, when her friends bailed on her. She hated being out alone, she was always fearful of things like this happening.

Serves her right I guess.

After taking another deep breathe, she straightened her posture before trying to gain that bit of confidence she had left.

"I'm actually waiting for my boyfriend, he should be here soon" she lied.

She was in fact very much single and her so called 'boyfriend' was non existent, but of course this drunk stranger did not need to know that.

"Boyfriend eyyy?" He asked, followed with an burst of laughter.

This only caused her too shoot him a confused look, before he continued.

"Come on darling, is that the best excuse you've got??"

He shot her an evil smirk before reaching down and squeezing her right thigh.

She instantly flinched back and as an instinct she slapped him across the face.

"Don't touch me" she barely made out into a whisper which confirmed the fear she felt.

The drunk man gritted his teeth before closing in on the girl and saying :

"Your gonna wish you didn't d-"

"I believe that the girl wants you to leave her alone" another voice sounded, causing both them to shoot their heads in his direction.

The mysterious man was dressed in a long black and white striped top and black jeans.

Not too bad on the eye if I do say so myself.

"Oh yeh?" The drunk man spoke. "And who do you think you are then?" He aimed at her mysterious savour.

However before her savour could even think up a reply the girl cleared her throat ...

"He's my boyfriend .. the one I was telling you about"

The mysterious man shot her a confused glance before picking up on her gesture to go with it.

"Yup, I'm the boyfriend, and you .... well your rather too close to my girl for my liking ... so I would back away if I were you" the man spoke in a threatening voice. "Don't make me ask you again" he said raising his voice.

To the girls surprise the drunk did not question or in fact say anything else. He simply stumbled away, heading straight for the bar door.

The small girl let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding in.

Taron Egerton imagines ♥️Where stories live. Discover now