"Im gonna keep you safe"

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Hello all!! Sorry for not updating in a while. A lot of shit had been going on in my lifeeeee. 💔 I hope you are all well.
This is kinda short, but I will try and post a longer one soon. Xx

'It's going to be okay', (Y,N)'s overflowing mind kept repeatedly saying, over and over and over.

It's a perfectly normal way to travel. It's normal and safe. I mean it's has to be right ??

I mean, what's not normal about a aluminium inclosed prison that flys through the air?

Yeah that's normal.

perfectly normal.

(Y,N) kept her gaze outside the tiny plane window at the ground the prison still remains on, as her hands kept fidgeting with one another.

The safely of the ground.

Ahh how she wished she did not always take it for granted.

"Hey love, you alright?"

In only 10 minutes time she will be taking off into the sky, where the safety of the ground will no longer be an option.

I mean what if they forgot to put enough fuel in the plane? Or what if they didn't -

She felt a slight shake on her upper right thigh breaking her from her anxiety thoughts.

"(Y,N) darling? Are you ok?"

(Y,N) snapped her head to the man sitting next to her.

But not just any man.

Her man.

"Hmmmm?" She replied.

Taron let out a light chuckle before reaching for her right hand and gently stoking it.

Oh how she adored his smile.

His smile would always make her feel that bit better, and that bit more comfortable.

(Y,N) always thought of it as his own super power.

The power to make her feel better without having to actually speak.

She loved the way his nose would sometimes crinkle up while he was in mid laughter.

And of course, not to forget the way his green eyes always seemed to turn a shade lighter, when looking at her.

"I asked if you were okay?" He whispered while keeping his eyes locked on hers.

"Oh umm yeah I'm f-fine. You know planes just aren't really ... ummm well .. my thing?" She replied coming out as a bit of a question.

Taron gave her small hand a light squeeze for reassurance.

"Look (Y,N) I've been over this a hundred times, planes are perfectly safe okay? We will be fine."

(Y,N) broke her gaze from Tarons face and turned to the window again, feeling slightly embarrassed of her fear.

"I know it's stupid, but I can't help it okay? ... I'm scared" she mumbled out.

"No no, it's not stupid at all my love. I know you can't help it, but I'm going to be here with you the whole journey ... I will keep you safe"

(Y,N) turned her head to face Tarons again, and just replied with a simple nod, feeling to weak to use words.

"Come here" he whispered.

(Y,N) immediately let him wrap his arms around her waist, while she rested her head on his shoulder.

She loved the feeling of being in his arms. The warmth of his body would always make her feel more relaxed.

She heard herself breath out a sigh. A sigh she was not aware she was holding in.

"You know what I blame?" Taron spoke with amusement playing in his tone.

(Y,N) repositioned her head so she could gaze into his green eyes.

The eyes she fel in love with.

"I blame all those movies and Tv shows you watch" he spoke through laughs. "Their the reason you have these fears"

(Y,N) couldn't help but let out a giggle at the truth in his comment.

The fact she watched 'Cast Away' an hour before leaving for the airport was defiantly not her smartest decision.

No wonder she's so shaken up about this flight.

Stupid (Y,N).

"Aw that's that smile I always love to see"

This only caused her smile to grow wider as she slowly raised her head to place a light kiss on his left cheek.

"I've got you (Y,N). I'm gonna keep you safe"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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