Winchester House

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Michael POV
Damn it. School. The dreaded hell hole. The only thing that would make it more like he'll is if there was a kid named Lucifer. Like that would happen. I mean it is the first day of a new school so who knows.

I eventually drag myself out of bed after spending about 10 min just trying to procrastinate getting up. My stomach inturupted my skilled procrastinating though as it grumbled for food.

I walk down the hallway in just some sweat pants and stoped by Sam's room seeing he was already awake. I then look across the hall and of course still see Dean passed out on his bed like a starfish.

I head down the stairs finally able to smell some of the mouth watering food Sam was making.
"STAY OUT OF THE BACON!" Sam shouts at me as he, somehow, sees that I was reaching for the bacon on the table. He then proceeds to set out the plates for him, me, and Dean placing some eggs on each plate from a frying pan he was holding.
"I made breakfast, so, you have to wake up Dean"

We all had our own jobs in the morning really. Sam would wake up first and then make breakfast and manage to blackmail me into waking up Dean. Weather it be by his puppy eyes or guilt trip that he made breakfast, like today. You might be a little confused why it is so bad to wake Dean up in the morning. Well he is not a morning person. What. So. Ever. It doesn't help that he idiotically went to a party the night before.

I slowly creep up the stairs to Dean room prepared for the attack. I tiptoe in and start to shake him.
"GO AWAY!" Dean screamed
Like I said NOT a morning person.

I yank the blankets off of him and throw the water I had in my hands on to his bare back. Sprinting out of the room I make it to the bathroom to get in the shower where I had already set out a plain black shirt and some jeans. Nothing really fancy. I hear banging out side the door a long with Dean rough morning voice growling "Let me in!"

Of course me being the snarky little shit I am replied with "Not by the hair on my chiney, chin, chin!"

Dean's POV
I woke up soaked which isn't a good way to wake up in the first place. I figured it was Michael seeing as I could smell breakfast and Sam was the only one that could cook besides Bobby who was about as much as a morning person as me if not worse.

I ran to the bathroom where of course Michael the little shit mad a snarky comment like always and gave up not wanting to push it more. Or at least that is what I wanted him to think. I will get him back when he gets out of the shower.

Sam's POV
Of course, like always, I am the first one up. It's okay though, that just gives me more time to plan. You see, this year I want to be the schools prankster. I was at my old school and never got caught not even Michael or Dean know about it. Glitter bombs, paint explosions, dyed hair, you name it. I am trying to figure out the best prank yet to kick off the school year. Hopefully I won't have and rival pranksters.

After about 30 minutes of perfecting the calculations of my newest prank idea I figured I should go make breakfast.

Not long after Michael came down. He tried to steal the bacon like always so I make him wake Dean up. That is never a good idea seeing as he always seems to be partying the night before. Even now when we are the new kids he was out partying. You see Dean is a little bit of a jock, Michael is a nerd, and I am just the quiet kid in the back. The perfect thing for moose (that is the alias I use for pranking).

Once Dean is awake the morning usually goes pretty smoothly. We all sit down for breakfast, get dressed, then head off for school. But nooooo. Of course Dean needed revenge.

As Michael was walking down the stairs that is when he struck. He jumped out and smashed and entire plate of whipped cream (which I have no clue where he found) on Michael's face.

Now that that was out of the way we finally sat down for breakfast. After only 5 min my entire breakfast was scarfed down and we were all scrambling to get dressed. In a total of 30 min we were all dressed and in the Impala on out way to the new school.

Hello fellow fans. So I hope you like my new fan fic this is my first supernatural one so hopefully it isn't too horrible. If you have and corrective criticisms I would be happy to hear it but nothing rude please. I will try to update every week but I admit I am not the best at schedules. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the first chapter in this adventure of the Winchesters and Novaks.


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