6 different people, 3 very gay ships, and 1 high school. See what happens when the Winchester brothers get mixed up with the Novaks and their craziness.
Fluff ensured. Plus many gay situations. There probably won't be any angst and if there is it wo...
Castiel's POV As I woke up I immediately felt something on my face. With Gabriel as a brother I am pretty used to this. I wake up at least once a week with some type of prank from my brother. Last week he dumped an entire bag of rainbow dick confetti on my head as I walked out my bedroom door. I am still finding dicks all over the floor.
Today was no different as I suspected I tried to sit up and saw all of the sticky notes. They where everywhere including on me. He even put up a rainbow made of sticky notes on my ceiling. (Kind of like the picture)
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"GABRIEL!!!" I heard Lucifer scream from his room. I guess I am not the only one to have been pranked. I got out of my room deciding to go make sure no one was going to get killed by Lucifer.
Gabriel zoomed past me presumably being chased by Lucifer but that was an everyday thing. He always does something to make him mad.
On my way to the bathroom I happened to glance through Lucifer room to see what Gabriel did. When I looked through there was bright pink glitter everywhere. It even looked like Gabriel put glue on the walls to make it stick.
After I got out of the bathroom I went to my room searching for clothes. I eventually find my usual outfit of black skinny jeans and some type of band tee. Today I decided on a twenty one pilots tank top with black skinny jeans and all black converse.
I then tried to go back to the bathroom but of course one of my brothers snaked it right before I went in. I luckily had enough time to grab my piercing jerwlery. I put in my two black lip rings on each side of my lips, or snake bites. And put and eyebrow bar in. I already had in multiple ear rings in that included an industrial on my right ear, 3 helix piercings on my left ear, and a tragus. I also have a silver barbell tounge ring.
After putting all of my jewelry on I went down stairs and my sents filled with an aroma of delicious breakfast.
Gabriel's POV "GABRIEL!!!" I heard Lucifer scream from his room. Hahaha I guess my glitter bomb worked. I'm surprised I haven't heard anything from Castiel yet. I should at least get some reconizion it took forever I didn't go to sleep till after 3am! Of course that is my normal sleeping schedule but still.
I got out of bed and ran. You really don't want to be caught be a mad Lucifer. He is the actual devil. I run down stairs into the kitchen to see my mom making pancakes eggs and bacon like always on the first day of the school year.
I grab a lolli from my secret stash behind a house plant on my way to sit at the table.
"Gabriel Novak! It is too early for candy how many time do I have to tell you!" My mom yelled at me. She walked over and took the sucker from my mouth.
"Fine, fine." I walk out of the kitchen deciding to go get dressed but really I just wanted more candy without being judged apparently.
I grabbed another one from my stash and headed upstairs.
"I saw that!"
Lucifer's POV BANG! I woke up startled by a loud bang that sounded like it came from my room. I swear if Gabriel pranked me agai- "GABRIEL!!!" My thought was inturupted when I saw what he did. There was pink glitter every where. Oh he will pay!
I race out of my room and go to Gabe's but he isn't there. That little shit. I am going to get him back.
Deciding not to look anymore bc I am a lazy Satan, okay? I went and jumped in the shower.
Once I got out I went to my room and grabbed my clothes. A normal red leather jacket, black tee, black skinny jeans, and blood red converse that I had Gabe paint flames onto.
I ran down stairs seeing as everyone else was awake and our dining table was full of pancakes, bacon, orange juice, and toast. I sat down in my usual seat and dug in.
After breakfast we were ready to go and we were walking out the door when suddenly Castiel didn't have his beloved trench coat.
"Gabriel I know you took it, where is my trench coat!" Castiel was pissed off for some reason he loved that old thing.
"It is where you we last year" he smirked why saying it that can never be good.
We searched for a while when I suddenly had a break through. Castiel came out as gay this year and Gabe won't let it go always making closet references.
Sure enough there it was. In the closet.
We should have known. Yes all of us were gay (well I am bi) but Gabriel is the gayest. He is always making gay jokes, hell he is wearing a shirt that litterally says straight out of the closet with a rainbow.
Okay now that we have that settled we are finally off to school... 20 min late.
Hello humanoids (or you know robots maybe some aliens)! So I finally finished the second chapter! I really hope you like it. I have never written in the Novaks perspective since this is my first spn fic but it is actually really fun. I love writing in punk Cas POV. Anyway feel free to comment what you think. -Liv