fifty-four | make a wish

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Subject: Averi Mason's Wish

Dear Mason family,

There is nothing worse than having a child get sick and have the odds against them in a rush against time to save them. Except when you know that no matter what you do, you're going to lose your baby.

So you cherish the time you have left with them and you try to help all their dreams come true, from small and mundane things to the grand dreams. That's where we come in to help.

Through our website, children can be nominated to receive a wish from the Make A Wish Foundation^TM. Since your daughter Averi's diagnosis, hundreds of emails about her have come through to us. Her, and your, story has touched many hearts here at the headquarters.

This e-mail is to let you know that we will be granting one of her wishes, no matter how big or small, to help all of you in this time of tragedy.

When you guys have come to a decision on what to use the wish on, simply call or e-mail us to let us know and we will make Averi's dream come true!

Jennika Williams
Office: (218)519-9474 Extension: 918
Direct: (218)953-6998


wow okay i'm honestly a little emo bc we're so close to the end

countdown | eight chapters left

[ 12.2.17 ]

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