Chapter Three

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Tyler had opened his eyes to find his body wrapped up in just sheets, leaving his exposed feet poking just out from beneath the blankets into the cold air of the room. He had rolled onto his back, confused by the late-day light that was streaming into his room. He usually rose early, out of habit of taking early college classes even almost five years later. He rose, stretching stiff limbs before opening his eyes, finding it hard to keep them open at first. Then, a sense of wrong filled his head. He eyes shot open without the nudge of caffeine. 

The room he was a pale grey, curtains that were a light cream colour were open slightly revealing the view of a large green tree. He may not have recognized the room, but he recognized the tree. It was huge, branches nearly scraping the window. Mark fondly referred to it a Saint Big Ass every time they had come to pick up or drop off Katherine in her house in the small but nice neighbourhood a few miles west of Mark's house. 

Tyler had only been inside the house a hand dull of times, and never in the room. He noted a full length mirror leaning besides a grey chair that had a book propped open on it. He stood up and walked over to it, slowly and carefully. 

He froze in front of his reflection. He was faced with wide, graceful hips and heart shaped lips. Brown hair, a similar colour to his own, stopped just below his shoulders. he reached out and touched Katherine in his reflection. Their fingers touched, separated only by a thin layer of glass. 

he took a slow step back, his foot sinking into the soft, white carpet that covered the room. "What?" he breathed. It was Kat's voice, familiar and soft in the grey room. He was startled by the noise of Kat's phone that lay plugged in on the table besides the bed. A singing voice filled the room in a language that wasn't English. 

He picked up and recognized his voice on the other side of the phone. "Who is this?"

He cleared his throat and responded, "Tyler."

"And you are in Kat's body?"

"Yes. Who is this?" his voice was shaking slightly, had been since he woke up.

"Jesus, Mark, get your hands on the wheel!" came Ethan's voice.  "Let me have the phone."

There was a brief silence before Ethan said, "Mr. I Have Decided to Kill Myself Today over there in your body is Mark and you are speaking to Amy."

"What happened?" he asked, voice starting to settle at the sound of Ethan's voice.

"We don't know, but we're picking you up. Put some clothes on." 

Tyler stared at the phone and then, almost in shock, "Clothes?"

"Just don't look." Amy said it so easily, noted Tyler. "We will be there in 10."

The call went dead, although Tyler continued to stare at it for a moment after. 

Dressed? Like this? What about respect? He looked around the room, slowly opening Kat's dresser. He pulled out underpants , hanging it form his index finger as he reached for a bra. His breathing had steadied, but this almost put him back over the top.

He picked out a shirt and jeans, both of which he had seen Kat wear as a pair before. He turned away from the mirror, pulling off the sweat pants as quickly as possible. His whole body screamed wrong as he pulled lacy panties over his legs. Then came the jeans. He paused then, the room silent. 

Then came another round of adrenaline. His cheeks flushed as he removed the loose grey shirt above his head. He put the bra on his chest and reached for the clasps behind him. One, two, three, four, five. He did it. He put the loose shirt on him and grabbed Kat's phone from the unmade bed.

He went into the bathroom, using a brush he found on the counter he tugged it threw her hair a few times before deciding it was acceptable for the situation. He grabbed an apple from a fruit basket he knew was in her kitchen eating it slowly and throwing it away as soon as the door bell rang. He leisurely opened it and was met by two leering faces smiling down at him.

His strode to the car after exchanging words and a few choice motions that involved waving a middle finger at his own body. He sat in the back and exchanged banter with two in front as they tried to ignore the oddity of the situation. It was impossible. 

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