Chapter Six

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A/N I am just going to make this Ethan's POV because I am lazy. 

Ethan woke up on the floor, his knees pressed against the hard ground. He felt hot breath on his neck, a leg curled under his head like a makeshift pillow. A silence hung in the room, not hard but instead a comforting blanket that kept the room in a warm nest.

He pealed his eyes open and was met with a warm yellow light complimented with a face full of denim jeans. He knew he was in his own body, but he felt better. It was in this space, with the smell of Mark's cologne and Kat's perfume and the warm butterscotch light, that he realized he had something to work with. He had hands to hold, and arms that cold hug him. He had a mouth and they had ears to listen and that was a start. He pledged on the smell of bananas and strawberry crepes and the Amy's hair that lay across his forehead that he would try. For once in his life he would let himself feel the need to be happy. 

He got up, carefully moving the bodies that lay around him. He looked down on in amusement at the drool that was tracing its way down Mark's stubble. He cleared the coffee table of the discarded crepes. He made his way to the kitchen, lazily scraping the pastries into the trash can. The clock read 2:00 in the afternoon, judging by the beams of light streaming through the window in the living room.

It was days like this, when the Sun would hit his face in direct rays, that he felt like a cat. He knew it was odd but it was the truth: lazily pawing at his face, staring at the Sun through closed eyes and enjoying the gentle rays. That was what he did now, leaning against the counter with his hands propped under his chin, looking out on the living room. Even with his eyes closed, he could imagine his friends lying together, all piled over Mark with his slobber slowly dripping onto Tyler's gently tan face. 

He stayed like that for a minute, head tilted upward ever so slightly, until he felt thick arms wrap around his torso. He jumped, eyes opening for a view of the unforgiving sun. He hissed slightly and snapped them closed again.

"Did I scare you?" said a voice with a laugh inside of it. The grip on Ethan's waist loosened, and Ethan spun around to find himself staring into Tyler's eyes. 

"A little bit," Ethan said shyly.

Tyler hummed. "Do you feel alright?"

"I feel better," Ethan said, truthfully.

"Would you like to help me make lunch for those losers?" Tyler smiled down at the smaller boy.

"I would." 

They were still chest to chest, eyes meeting in the warm space between them. Neither of them moved.

"So." Tyler's voice revealed his contentment with staying on the current position.

"So." Ethan smiled up at Tyler, warm and sly at the same time. "Is this where I kiss you?" He reached up, fingers brushing Tyler's stubble before coming to rest wrapped around his neck.

Tyler leaned down as Ethan came to meet him, closing the distance between them. The kiss was sweet, just lips on lips and a certain hope wrapping them together.

When they pulled apart, the hope was still there, sealing their feelings for each other.

"Thank you," Ethan whispered, leaning into Tyler's cheat when they broke apart.

"For what?" Tyler's hands rubbed slow circles into Ethan's back.

"For saving me."

They stayed like that, two bodies made one, until Amy began to stir from her position next to Kay and Mark.

"Breakfast?" asked Tyler.

Ethan agreed with a nod as they finally seperated.

They made avacado sandwiches. Ethan ate one, taking off the top layer of bread, as Tyler watched with a smile of thanks. Ethan smiles behind as wall of crust.

After Ethan had finished a sandwich and Tyler had pelted him with avocado pits, Mark had jolted awake. He had sent Kat flying backwards with a surprised shriek and left Amy clinging to his leg that was firmly planted to the ground.

Mark rubbed his neck and apologized. "Oops."

Kay waves her hand in dismissal, eyes meeting Ethan's in the kitchen. She smiled lightly and stood, Marl and Amy joining her in the kitchen.

"You feeling okay?" Mark acknowledged Ethan.

"Better," Ethan said honestly. He wasn't perfect, far from it. He felt better. His muscles felt lighter, and his head felt clearer. It had to do with the people that surrounded him, casting their light and hope across him. He felt safe here in their careful protection. He could do it. He would do it. 

"Good." Kat smiled at him, wiping her glasses with the front of her shirt.

Amy reached for a sandwich. "Are we going to tell anyone about that?"

A silence covered the room. 

"Do we need to?" Tyler asked slowly. 

Ethan shook his head. "It might interfere with how people see us."

"It will, no might about it," Kat said. 

"It was personal in a way," Amy said.

"Yeah." Ethan found all the eyes on him.

"So we keep it private," Amy said, eyes scanning her friends.

They all nodded their consent, grim for a second. Then the room lightened, springing back to its light-hearted comfort. They all reached for a sandwich, Ethan and Amy leaning away from the three remaining.

 Amy sent him a worried glance before Ethan waved a hand and said, "I already ate." Tyler nodded in conformation.

They all ate in relative silence, the only sound was Kat pulling the crust off her bread. The Tyler pulled Ethan into his side, Ethan's socked feet almost betraying his balance. His smiled into Tyler's chest.

Mark quirked an eyebrow at the duo, a smile picking at his lips. "Are you..." He trailed off.

"Yeah." Ethan felt the arms that held him shrug as Tyler responded. 

"That's sweet," Katherine said with a supportive smile.

Amy held a hand over her mouth, something she often did when she tried not to laugh. 

"What?" Ethan asked as Tyler released him. 

"Nothing," Amy responded, "you just finally did it."

"Finally?" Ethan turned his gaze up to Tyler's face, which had turned a shade redder. 

"I might have had a crush on you for a while." The words rushed out of Tyler's mouth, his face dying a shade of red that looked foreign on Tyler's face. Ethan found it oddly endearing. 

"You did?" Mark's eyebrows rose up towards his hair line. 

Tyler hummed a, "Yes."

"You sly little dog," Mark said, poking a finger in Tyler's direction. "You hid something from me!"

Tyler shrugged his shoulders. "I have my secrets." He looked down at Ethan . "I am the Zodiac Killer." He traced a pattern into Ethan's back. 

"At this point I wouldn't be surprised," Mark said, throwing his hands in the air. "you could be making out with my girlfriend and I wouldn't even raise my eyebrow."

"What do you think happened in 2010," Amy said, dropping her hand. 

Mark took an aggressive bite of sandwich, shooting daggers at the rest of the kitchen. 

"Since you were with Amy for so long, you must have had some very passionate make out sessions," said Ethan.

"Indeed," said Tyler. "Jealous?"

"Extremely." Ethan pulled a pout and pulled Tyler down into his mouth, smiling into the kiss. 

After a few seconds, arms wrapped around the both of them, pulling them to the floor. Ethan and Tyler pulled apart in surprise as they landed in a pile of hugs and smiles. 

"Thank you," said Ethan.

"Thank you," replied Mark as they lay on a floor of love, hope, and promises. 

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