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Bill scoured the entire house, not wanting to believe that Dipper was truly missing but after searching every nook and cranny, Bill finally came to terms with the dreadful truth. His Pine tree had been kidnapped, and he had a sneaking suspicion as to who the culprit was. 

His hair and eyes flared up in a dark blood color, snapping his fingers he changed out of his comfy clothes and into his formal attire consisting of a nice button up white dress shirt with his signature black bow tie, matching dress pants and shoes. Of course his floating top hat. And last but not least a yellow tail coat with a brick pattern on the tails while in the center of his back was the all-seeing-eye. Satisfied with his appearance, Bill snapped his fingers once more, this time teleporting inside a dark room inside of Tad Strange's living quarters.

"Strange!" He screams, his voice practically shaking the foundation. "Get your slimy hide out here you damn gambler!"

"Ah, Cipher...I was wondering when you might show up." Tap smirks down at him from atop the stairs, in his hand a glowing purple chain and attached at its end was Dipper whom was desperately pulling at the brace around his neck, trying to loosen it at least enough to breath properly.

Bill growled, his entire body now the same as his fiery eyes and hair. "You idiot, you know nothing about human needs! You're choking him!"

Tad only scoffed. "Yeah, I know. It's his punishment."

Just as Bill's hand ignited in blue flames, Tad yanked on the chain, making Dipper gag as he was pulled in front of his kidnapper to act as a living shield. "I wouldn't if I were you, Cipher. I may not be an expert like you, but I at least know that it doesn't take much to kill them." He smirked, running his tongue along the side of Dipper's face.

Dipper cringed at the slimy feeling on his face and fought back the urge to return any and all food that might still be in his stomach from dinner. The bitter acid taste lingering in the back of his throat. It burned his nose as he attempted to swallow it back down.

"Dipper, it's okay. You go right ahead..." Bill cooed, instantly taking notice of the boy's paling skin.

"The hell are you talking about Cipher-" Tad cut himself off when Dipper doubled over onto his hands and knees, releasing the putrid smelling bile onto the floor as well as a bit on Tad's shoes. The pain of his stomach turning inside out as it force up all it's contents pushed him to cry out slightly. Tad stared down at the young boy, screaming incoherently about how he's a disgusting and idiotic meatsack. His rage turned violent and he drove his now filthy shoes into the boy's already sore stomach, making him cough and gag. His pitiful noises aggravate the square demon even more, making him retaliate by readjusting his aim to the boy's face.

Dipper's cries, his pained expression turn's Bill's anger into scolding red flames and attacks Tad while he's got the boy pinned to the ground and isn't focused on his real opponent. Before the purple man can even look up from his prey, Bill had thrown him against the wall hard enough to make a generously sized hole into the next room. Laughing at his own pain, Tad began rubbing the back of his head and instantly ignited his own flames when he noticed Bill picking up the pitiful sack of flesh that was sprawled on the floor. Dipper held his stomach and nose, not wanting to get any of his blood onto his master. Bill allowed him but would be sure to get a better view of the injuries when they returned home, but for now, his mind was on the floating square that had turned a dark crimson.


"Strange....good, now we know each other's names. That should make this easy for you to remember." the blond stated calmly as he approached, making the other double back until he found himself between a wall and the enraged god of chaos. Replacing his anger with a psychopathic grin, Bill slammed his fist against the cyclop's eye with one hand to prevent his escape, while in the other he held Dipper gently as if he were a child. "If you ever dare, show your pathetic hide around my land ever again, touch, speak, or even look at a single one of the Pine's family. I will personally see to it that you are terminated. Permanently."

Tad quivered under the increasing pressure on his eye, screaming in his mind that he understood. Not entirely satisfied, Bill reared back to drive his hand through it but stops when he realizes how badly Dipper is shaking, his body slightly cold and even pale. 'Not good' Bill snapped his fingers, taking them home to his room. The dream demon placed his pet onto his giant soft bed to take a closer look at his crippled body.

"Broken jaw, broken ribs, fractured wrist, the skin on your neck is raw, and...." Bill froze, now ashamed with himself for not acting quicker. "Internal bleeding." Without thinking, he scooped the broken teen into a hug, accidently turning his fractured wrist into a broken one as well as another rib. Dipper cried out, nearly fainting from all the blood loss and pain. As soon as the scream reached Bill's ears he released the boy back into the safe cradling cloud of the mattress. "I-I'm sorry, please. Please sit still, this will hurt." Bill warned, taking off his vest and wadding it up before putting it in Dipper's mouth for him to bite down on.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Bill took hold of the boy's wrist and snapped it back into place only to have him scream at the top of his lungs before Bill moved his attention to re-aligning the brunette's jaw and making him squeal once more.

Several hours went by and thankfully the pain had become so bad that Dipper finally passed out, allowing Bill to finish healing him without a hitch. By the time he finished, the human was sweaty and red in the face, his expression twisted into obvious discomfort with his newly formed body. True he wasn't in pain anymore, but this would take some getting use to. He didn't look different, just felt it.

"I'm sorry, Pinetree. I promise, I won't ever let anything happen to you ever again." Bill muttered, pulling the boy close to him as he laid down next to him on the bed, wrapping his arms around Dipper's slender waist. "I promise."

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