Day Room

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In the morning, Scott went to his therapy with Dr. Olusula and talked mostly about when he started hearing the voices, what they sound like, and how they act, just the basics.

After that, Scott went to dinner. He sat at the table alone and looked at his tray of food silently, not touching it. As he sat there, Avi walked up to him. "Can I eat with you?" He asked politely as he held his tray with both hands. Scott nodded quietly as he hugged his legs to his chest, watching the doctor sit across from him.

"I heard your parents are going to come visit tomorrow, are you excited to see them?" He asked. Scott just looked away, "They made me come here." He mumbled sadly. Avi nodded, "They just did what they thought would be best." He said softly. Scott shook his head, "No one here even understands." He mumbled sadly. Avi sighed, "You're right, Scott, we don't. But if you talk to us about it, we could." He said kindly. Scott shook his head, "I'm not a freak." He said before he left the cafeteria, hugging his boney stomach.

Avi sighed after watching Scott leave, he didn't know what else to do, so he went to the youngest doctor that works there. "Hey Avi, what's wrong?" Mitch asked as the older man approached. "Hey boss, so I was wondering if I could get some help talking to a patient?" Avi asked. Mitch nodded, "Is it Janet? She always hits on me, ask Kevin." He said quietly so Kevin, who was directly behind him, couldn't hear. Of course he did.

"What about me?" Kevin asked as he walked up to the two men. "Avi needs you to talk to Janet." Mitch said in a whisper with a slight head nod. Avi sighed impatiently, "No, Mitch, I need you to talk to Scott. He's clearly upset and I doubt him hearing voices will help. I've read his file, every delusion is awful to him." Avi said quietly so no one would over hear.

Mitch nodded and looked around, "Do you know where he went?" He asked as he looked. Kevin sighed and continued eating, "He's in the day room." He shrugged. Avi and Mitch looked to their collgue in confusion, "How do you know?" Avi asked, doubtful.

Kevin shrugged and ate a spork-full of poatoes, "It's his favorite place to go. We can't have him go outside yet and the day room is very open. His parents spoke to me for like, half an hour, just talking about how he liked to sketch as he sat outside. He'd listen to Beethoven for hours while sitting in the park with his sketch book." Kevin explained. Mitch nodded, "I'll go talk to him." He said as he stood, rushing out of the cafeteria.


Mitch walked into the day room and sighed when he saw Scott looking out the window silently. He walked up to him and sat down in te chair directly across from him, "How are you feeling?" Mitch asked kindly.

Scott shrugged quietly, "Fine." He said in a broken tone. Mitch studied him closely to see tears in his eyes, he watched as Scott tried hard to not let them fall, but after a few more moments he failed to keep them in. Mitch watched Scott exhale deeply as he wiped his tears away, sniffling, "I don't belong here, I'm not crazy or sick." He said sadly. "No one is saying that any patient here is crazy." Mitch said softly.

"I don't want to be here. I want to go home." Scott said sadly as more tears fell. Mitch nodded, "That's normal for the first few weeks. It'll get easier, Scott." He said kindly. Scott shook his head, "I'm not supposed to be here." He argued. "Scott, you're hurting. Yesterday you were talking about voices telling you to hurt yourself." Mitch said softly.

Scott sighed and looked away, "That doesn't mean I have to stay in this stupid hospital." He mumbled. "We can't let you leave." Mitch sighed. "Then leave me alone." Scott said before he stood and walked away, wiping more and more tears away as they fell down his cheeks.


Scott didn't leave his room after that. He just laid on his bed sadly as tears fell from his eyes and damped his pillow. As Scott laid there, his door opened and another male nurse walked in with a tray.

"Doctor Grassi asked me to bring this to you." He said as he set a tray of food down on the bed side table closest to Scott. Scott didn't look anywhere but straight ahead, the only sounds he made were sniffles and breathing.

The nurse looked at Scott for a moment, he looked awful. He sighed and crouched down in front of Scott, "Hey, can you try eating for me?" He asked softly. Scott just shook his head sadly. "Look, I know this is all new to you, but it'll get easier." The man assured. "I just want to be alone." Scott said as he looked at him with tears falling down his cheeks.

"Scott, you have to eat something. It's not good for you." The man continued, angering the teenager. "Just go away already. I'm not hungry, okay." Scott said before he looked away. The nurse shook his head, "If I have to go get a doctor to tell you to eat, then I will. You can't starve yourself." The man sighed. "I'm. Not. Hungry." Scott said angrily, clearly getting extremely annoyed and angry.

The man shook his head, "And you can continue to say that all you want, but that doesn't mean your body doesn't need it." He said calmly. Scott sat up angrily and grabbed the tray, throwing it at the wall with a loud crash. "I said go away!" He yelled furiously before three other male nurses charged into the room and tackled Scott to the ground as he tried to get away from them.

A/N I leave you with sad, grumpy Scott. I can see where Scott was coming from in this chapter, if I were already having a crappy week, I'd want to be left alone too.

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