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Scott was never the same after Alex had hurt him. His parents haven't bothered talking to him, and everything was just falling apart to him. He barely left his room and he began failing school.

His tutor, Mrs. Gonzales, stressed the subject to Mitch, and he promised her that he would talk to Scott and see what's going on. He knew why, but he was hoping if Scott talked about it he would begin to feel better.

Mitch walked into Scott's room and turned the light on to see Scott with his back to him, curled into a ball and crying. Ever since Alex, Scott had gotten worse. He never talked about the voices anymore, but Mitch was sure it was them bullying him.

He walked up to the teenager and sighed as he sat at the foot of the bed and gently touched Scott's foot, hearing a small whimper so he took his hand back. "Scott, are they being mean to you? The voices?" Mitch asked softly. Scott shook his head sadly and continued to cry. "Have you been taking your medication?" Mitch asked softly, smiling in relief when Scott nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it. One of the nurses said you spent three hours crying in the shower and she couldn't get you out." Mitch said softly. Scott sniffled and looked at Mitch with sad, red, puffy eyes. He looked like he hasn't slept in days and has been crying for hours, the sad part was Mitch knew that it's exactly what it was though.

Voices *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now