Chapter 16 (Best Bro's Forever)

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*Ashtons POV*

I sighed heavily as I flopped down my bed..

Two more days and I'm outta here.. Though, I don't think I'm gonna miss this room that much.. I looked side by side. Yellow sure is not my color.

I was about to take a nap when the song 'Talk Dirty To Me' played..

What the fuck?! I didn't change my ringtone to that! Urrgghh!! Alex you are in big trouble when I get home!

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and answered it, not knowing who it was..


"Yow, Ash. I'm coming over there, okay? Okay. Bye"

"Wait! Alexand---" he ended the call. Fucking bastard!

Ohh my effin gosh.. Did I here that right?? My freakin' brother is coming over here.. Shit! That fuckin' twat is so dead!!

"I gotta go down and warn Krista that a terrible storm is coming over!" I bolted up and ran as quickly as possible down stairs to the kitchen..

There she was, closing the door of the dish washer..

"Uhhh.. Krista," my was hands fiddling with each other nervously.

She faced me, "What is it, Ashton?"

"It's just that.. Uhhmm." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.. Like, what if she gets mad because of an unexpected visitor, whom will eventually make this place look like a dumpster..

"Come on, Ash. Spit it out!"

I sigh heavily, here it goes "My brother is coming over.."

"Ohh.." needless to say she was surprised to here that.. Well, I was pretty much surprise when that twat called..

"Uhmm.. Wh-what, I am why is your brother coming over?"

"That's the problem.. I didn't even had the chance to ask him cause he ended the call as soon as he told me that he's coming over here."

"Ohh, okay.. Well, it's alright." she gave me a small reassuring smile..

"Well, you see.. Uhhhmm... My brother is uhhmm," how do I say this, "Well, he's pretty much a mess.."

"Hmmm.. Will he blow my house down?" she raised both eyebrows at me.

"Yeah, something like that.."

"Nahh, I bet he's not 'that' bad.." she smiled again.

I sighed.. If you only know him as much as I do, you'll understand..

Just as I was about to go to the living room, the doorbell rang.. Speaking of the devil!

"I'll get it," Krista gave me no choice but to let her get it as she already headed to the front door..

I just stood by the living rooms door frame..

This is so bad! So fuckin' bad!

Krista opened the door, "Hello."

"Ohh dear gawd! You are hot as fuck! Damn, girl.." I faced palmed myself..

I looked over Krista to see her reaction.. She looked piss.. Ohh no!

"You better shut the fuck up if you wanna set your feet in my house.."

"Woah! No need to get mad, missy," he raise both of his arms as a sign of defeat.. "Now, where's my lil brother?"

Krista opened the door more wider so that my stupid brother can come inside..

"Wait.. So your saying, that your OLDER than Ashton!?" Yeah, even I couldn't believe that.

"Yep," he said popping the 'p', "There you are lil bro.. I've missed yah so much," he said while hugging me tight that I almost can't breath..

Krista, who looked like she was mind blown by the fact the Alex was my 'older' brother, dropped the topic and headed upstairs..

"Too tight," it came out more like a whisper..

"Ohh sorreh.."

"Jeez, it's only been a day, man.. One day!"

"Well, I missed having company at home," he grinned. "And, I need some money.." What the fuck?!

"Holy shi--" I cut myself off, 'tried' to calm myself and then finally spoke, "You came here just to borrow some money!" Fuckin' hell!

"Well, yea.." he smiled sheepishly, "Ohh, and I also wanted to know what'd yah think your new ringtone.." he grinned.

I gave him an evil glare, "You are so dead when I go back home." I said as I checked my pants pocket for my wallet, "How much do you need?"

"Like, $50.." I slowly looked at him, my mouth slightly apart.

"What the fuck do you $50 for, huh?" I cocked an eyebrow at him. Probably gonna spend it on a date with another chick he's dating..

"I-i errrmm, I'm gonna buy somethin'" he smiled sheepishly again.. Urgggh!

"And that something would be??" I asked him bluntly.

"Uhhh.. Some clothes.. Hehehe..." I rolled my eyes at him.. He seriously shops like a girl. Always splashing out on his clothes..

"You need to pay me back next Monday, okay?!" the last time he borrowed some money, it took him a whole month to pay me back.. Sheesh!!

"Yeah, yeah.."

Sigh, "Just wait here, okay? Don't fuckin' move.." he did this salute thingy that soldiers often do and then said, "Sir, yes sir." -_-

I hope he really does not move or else this house is in great danger..

I went upstairs to my room as quickly as possible.. Grabbed my wallet from the 'yellow' bedside table and then took $50.. Went downstairs and headed to the doorway where Alexander was supposed to be..

I wasn't surprised at all when Alex was not where I told him to stay.. Urgggh!! He's gonna freakin' burn this house down if I don't stop whatever he's doin!

I quickly headed to the kitchen to see if he's there.. Probobly stuffing he's mouth with food from the refrigerator.. I peeked through the doorway, he wasn't there.. Shit!

'Where the fuck are you?' I asked myself as I headed to the living room.. There he was, laying on the couch like a fuckin' boss..

I checked to see if he's taking a nap.. He had his eyes closed. Hehehe.. I slowly moved towards him and then slapped his forehead really hard.. Muahahaha!!

"Ouuucchh!! What the fuck, man!?"

"That's what you get for movin' your big fat ass!"

He placed a hand on his head, "Hey, first of all I have a great ass." he stuck out his tongue out.. That made me roll my eyes again.. Urgggh, really mature, big bro. Real mature.. "Second, I just felt tired and decided to take a quick nap here and lastly, I didn't even break anything, okay?"

I sighed heavily.. Still can't believe the fact that he's older than me.

"Here" I held out the money, "Remember to pay me back next week or I'm gonna take your PS4, you got that?" I raised both of my eyebrows..

"Hey, no fair! Youre gonna take my PS4 just because I didn't pay you $50!" I just gave him a mischievous grin.. "Fine then!" he headed out..

A sigh of relief escapes my mouth as I heard the front door slam..

"Hey, Ash! Bang the pretty lady for me, kay?" I heard him shout from outside..

That Fuckin' Asshole!!

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