How you met

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You were hanging out with your cousin Sakura
After a long day of shopping both of your stomachs were howling like wolves.

"I don't know about you but I'm starving"Sakura says.

"Same got any ideas?"you ask.

You were fairly new in town so you didn't really know the eateries that well.
"How about we go get some ramen?"she suggests.

"Ramen?"you say.

She nods her head.
"Come on (name) I know this good ramen places you'll absolutely love"she says linking her arm with yours.

You both then go to this ramen shop.
They had everything from bar stools to booths.
You and Sakura decide to pick a both to sit at.

As you both were sitting there you couldn't shake off the feeling someone was looking at you both.

You turn around and see this boy with blonde hair smiling at you both.

"Um Sakura don't look now but I think the blonde dude over there is smiling at us"you say a little weirded out.

"Huh?"she says taking a look for herself.
She then sees it too.

"Oh him that's just Naruto that idiot"she says.
Hearing his name he walks over.

"Hey Sakura chan!"he says loudly.
She then punches him.

"Naruto you idiot!"she shouts.
"Ow Sakura I was just saying hi"he says.

Then he looks at you smiling.

"Sakura I never knew you had a pretty friend, who is she and how come I've never seen her around?"he asks.

You blush.
"That's my cousin (name) idiot remember the one I told you about and she just moved here"she says.

"Ohhhh so your (name) well it's nice to meet you I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to be Mayor one day believe it!"he shouts with excitement.

He then held out his hand for you to shake it so you look at it for a long time before you do.

"It's nice to meet you too Naruto Uzumaki and good luck with that mayor thing"you say.

He smiles with one of the brightest ones you seen.

"Thanks"he says.
You smile.


You were at the mall and you see this boy leaning against a wall looking downward.

He looked not only hot as fuck but cool as hell too.

You couldn't help but stare at him as you walk by.

"Is there a problem?"you heard a voice say.

You look over to the boy who was still looking down but now frowning.

"Was he talking to me?"you thought.

"Who me?"you ask.

"Who else would I possibly be talking to"he asks sarcastically.

"Oh I'm...sorry"you say softly.

Instead of saying anything further he just walks away.

"What a rude person"you say to yourself but quickly looking around to make sure he wasn't anywhere where he could hear it.

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