When you spend time together

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You were curled up on the couch watching a movie while Sakura had went out to hang with some friends.

You heard the door bell ring.

"Who is it!"you yell.

"Naruto!"Naruto yells back.

"It's open!"you yell.

Naruto then comes inside and sees you.

"Hey (name)"he says.

"Hey Naruto what brings you here?"you ask.

"Is Sakura home?"he asks.

"No my cousin went out with friends she won't be back for a while"you say.

"Oh"he says slightly disappointed.

"Wanna hang for a little bit and watch this movie with me?"you ask.

"Uhh..okay"he says literally jumping on the couch.

You laugh finding this cute.

"You sure do have a lot of energy"you say.

The blonde also laughs smiling brightly once again.

You both watch the movie nightmare on elm street and Naruto kept screaming like hell and clinging onto you.

You found it hilarious.


You were at a Huge house party.

However since you were a loner you didn't have anyone to hang out with.

You see sasuke sitting alone on the couch so you go over and sit by him.

"Hey your that guy from the mall aren't you?"you ask.

"Yeah"he says.

"I don't believe we got off on the right foot so let's start over I'm (name) (surname) what's your name?"you ask.

"Sasuke"he replies.

"It's nice to meet you"you say.

"Look are we just going to sit here and have small park or are you going to come with me and ditch this lame party?"he asks.

"Huh? What?"you say.

He rolls his eyes and grabs your wrist leading you out to his car.

"Hey where are we going?"you ask.

"Just ride"he says.

"Okay"you say.

You both ended up getting in your car and ended up driving to a IHOP.

You guys ate and although there was barely a conversation you had a good time.


Yesterday you sprained your ankle and you had a hard time walking as you weren't adjusted to your crushes yet.

You hear your doorbell ring.

"It's open!"you yell.

Kiba walks with his dog akamaru.

"Oh it's you"you say.

"Yeah I still felt bad for what happened to your ankle so I decided to come by and see if you needed help"he says.

"Isn't that nice"you say.

Akamaru barks.

"I see you bought the dog"you say.

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