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"Ah~!" Vanoss shouts. "Take it off! It-Its too cold~!"

Wildcat laughs and gives Vanoss' shoulder a pat and for once, he didn't flinch.

Everyone else giggles along with Delirious and Vanoss feels as if these people were his friends.

He felt like he wasn't stuck in the hell hole they called the Circus. Ohm didn't exist. He had a normal life.

Delirious was still a little upset that Vanoss completely avoided his question, but he was glad that he got to see him smile.

For a split second, Vanoss and Delirious make eye contact.

Delirious' eyes widen in shock and Vanoss immediately looks away.

"Don-Don't look!" Vanoss shouts, shutting his eye and moving his head to the side.

"W-What?" Stutters Lui.

"What? Why?" Asks the Clown. He was surprised because the swelling of the bruise has gone down a bit.

Vanoss thought his eyes had changed. That he changed.

"I'm.. I'm a monster.. please.. go away." Vanoss whispers, and shakes his head left and right, mumbling to himself.

"Come on Del.." Says Cartoonz, "Lets go and give him space."

They all stand up and back away from the boy on the ground, Delirious slowly lifting himself from the sand.

He holds the ice pack in his hand and then follows after the rest of the group.


Vanoss felt so many emotions at once. He felt angry, sad and a little happy since there were people that actually seemed to care about him.

His mind was clouded as he slowly opened his good eye, looking down at the sand.

He didn't even hear the sound of wobbling footsteps approaching from his left side.

"Who were you ssspeaking to Vanoss?" The voice asks, slurring a few words.

Vanoss' head immediately lifts up and he looks to the left seeing a drunk Ohm and a few staff members.

Grins plastered on their faces as they hiccup, the glasses of beer and wine in their hands.

"N-Nobody. I-I was talking t-to myself."  He States, trying to sound confident in his own words.

Vanoss was surprised. He's never seen Ohm this drunk.

He tried backing up when Ohm began taking a few steps forward, but the chains keep him help in place.

"You disobeyed me Vanosssss." Ohm slurs, giggling after.

"P-Please.. don't." Vanoss pleads, knowing what Ohm has in store for him.

"Grab me a pole. Or a piece of wood." Ohm asks one of the staff behind him.

There wasn't much within grabbing distance other then the silver pole that was dug into the sand, holding down one of the chains.

Both the staff members began digging, getting the pole out of the ground.

This loosened the chain around Vanoss' left wrist.

He tried using this to his advantage, attempting to pry off the chain's that held his wings together.

They hurt. The chain's were defiantly too tight.

They handed it to Ohm and picked up the loose chain, both of them pulling to the left so his arm was outstretched.

"Ohm Plea-" Vanoss tried to plead, but Ohm only swung the pole downwards, making contact with Vanoss' elbow.

A loud Crack is head and Vanoss screams out of pain. The bone not broken, merely fractured and bruised.

Ohm loved this. The jolt of energy he gets from Vanoss screaming out of pain. He didn't break it for a reason, he wants him to stuffer.

Tears running down his face, Vanoss continues to plead. Trying to reason with Ohm.

"Shut him up!" Ohm snaps. One of the workers letting go of the chain and shoving a cloth into Vanoss' mouth, muffling his pleads.

Vanoss just shakes his head, his wings trying to break the chains.

They only rattle, unphased by his struggle.

"Maybe this will make you listen next time." Ohm spits.

He swings the pole from the right, hitting the side of Vanoss' head and knocking him to the ground.


Blood trickles down the side of his head from the new gash that he's received.

Ohm brings the pole down again, this time on his back.

Vanoss' eyes widen at the sudden contact and tries to shout for help, for anyone, but its muffled by the cloth.

He swings a few more times. Another one on the leg and side.

"I can't do too much daaaamage to ya." Ohm chuckles. "But you just wait till after the show."

Vanoss just stays quiet, lying on the floor without movement and his eyes shut.

Little did Ohm know, that the rest of his Circus crew, the performers, were watching.

Delirious just stood there. Slowly backing up.

Terrorizer had one of his throwing blades in his hands, ready to murder the ringmaster.

Wildcat looked horrified.

Ohm drops the pole and they begin undoing the rest of the chains.

"Clean him up and then wake him up for the show. We start in an hour." Ohm says before walking off to sober up.

Both the workers just grab a fistfull of Vanoss' hair and drag him off after removing the cloth from his mouth, his wings dragging along the sandy floor.

"J-Jesus.." Delirious stutters, horrified at what he had witnessed.

"We.. we need to do something about this." Says Moo, balling his hand into a fist, Upset that Ohm had just done that.

"What can we do?" Asks Lui. "He has hundreds of workers. Did you not just see what happened?"

"He's right Moo.. what if that happens to us..?" Asks Wildcat, concerned for his own wellbeing.

"Shut up.." Mumbles Delirious. "We are stopping this. Vanoss was pleading on his knees for fucks sake!" Delirious shouts, obviously pissed that his friends are trying to back out.

"If you won't help, then me and Moo will stop him ourselves."

"I'm in." Says Mini, stepping out from behind the crowd. "I don't care what he is, human or... bird thing... we are helping."

Wildcat sighs and then nods, "Alright.."

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Circus Act - H2oVanossWhere stories live. Discover now