It Bites

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(Bold and Italics mean Jonathan and Delirious are speaking at the same time. Like overlapped voices and will be referred to as "He/His")

Jonathan pounced on Luke, both of the males colliding with the ground.

Jonathan was pissed. He wrapped his hands around Luke's throat and squeezed..

Only to have the wind knocked out of him after getting kicked in the side.

"Jon!" Tyler shouted, trying to wiggle free of the other hybrids who had held him and the others down.

Jonathan groaned, looking up to meet the face of a male with darker skin. He had green eyes and short black hair.

He seemed to be the hybrid of a monkey, just like Lui. His tail was wrapped around his waist.

"They bothering you Luke?" He asked, turning to face the snake.

Luke only nodded. "Thank you Marcel."

Marcel nodded and pointed to Jonathan who tried sitting up, taking even breathes.

A few more hybrids walked over and held Jonathan down.

Luke smirked and looked over at Jonathan. "Hey Jonny boy~"

Jonathan gritted his teeth as he looked up to face Luke, only to shout and kick his legs.

There he was, holding a knocked-out Evan in his arms. He had one hand slapped over his neck and the other hand wrapped around Evans waist.

"Do you love him Jonny?" Luke asks, bringing his face dangerously close to Evans neck.

"Yes!" Jonathan shouts, trying to wiggle his arms free.

"I don't think you do." Luke cooes, pressing his mouth to Evans neck and licking up its side. His forked tongue covering Evans delicate skin in saliva.

"Stop it! He's mine Luke! Mine!" Jonathan growls, his eyes flashing to a dark blue.

"Heh. You're not very threatening Jonny boy." Luke teases, nipping at Evans sensitive skin, causing Evan to jump awake.

"Jon?!" Evan says before Luke slaps his hand over his mouth, hushing him.

"Shhh. We don't want Mr. Scott to hear us now do we Evy?" Luke whispers, glancing over at the cafeteria entrance.

Evan growls and his eyes go gold once more, but Luke shakes his head.

"Bad idea Evan. Do that and these boys here will kick your ass." Luke says, mentioning the group of hybrid's that are holding the rest of the group down.

"You can take him Evan!" Brian shouts, his ears raising off his head.

"Yeah!" Tyler says with a grin before being kicked in the jaw.

"Tyler!" Craig yelps, turning to look over at him.

Evans eyes begin watering and they return to there normal honey brown.

"Good boy Evan." Luke praises, licking up Evan's neck once more.

Evan just whimpers, the tears rolling down his delicate cheeks.

Luke held a fragile and broken man in his arms.. and Jonathan knew that.

But Jonathan knew only he could fix it, he wanted to fix it.

Marcel's face twisted with disgust. He didn't really like this. He felt uneasy about the situation.

He knew Luke's intentions and he didn't like them.

Marcel looked over at the hybrid holding down Jonathan and nodded.

Jonathan's eyes were a dark sinister blue.

The Leopard hybrid known as 407, (Don't know what hybrid he would be so just roll with it.) slowly let go of Jonathan and backed up.

Jonathan turned and looked at Marcel who only nodded towards Luke.

Jonathan's grin grew and stretched from ear to ear.

'Delirious.. I need you. We need to eliminate Luke.'

'Oh now you need me?'

'He's hurting our teddy bear.'

'Not on our watch.'

Jonathan took a step forward, his ringed tail swaying viciously side to side.

"Oh Luuuuke~" he cooed, crouching down like an animal.

Luke only looked up, his eyes widening when Jonathan was only a few inches away from his face.

"I don't like it when other people touch my things." He snarls, both Jonathan's soft voice and Delirious' deep and raspy one echoing.

"Kick his ass Del!" Tyler shouts proudly, being let go along with the others.

Luke's grip slowly began to loosen before he yanked Evan back, his mouth clamped onto Evans neck.

Evan let out a muffled scream of pain, trying his best to pry Luke's face from his neck.

Luke's long and pointed fangs had pierced Evans skin in an attempt to puncture an artery.

His eyes suddenly widen and in a quick second, he's tackled Luke to the ground and away from Evan.

Evan backs himself up, slapping his hand over the bite marks and hissing in pain.

"The bite isn't poisonous." Marcel states, crouching down next to Evan.

"May I?" He asks, looking over at his neck.

Evan just nods. Evan was always too trusting and if Anthony were here right now, he'd scold him for being so.

Marcel rips a bit of his already tattered dark yellow top and wraps it around his neck.

"Just don't let it get infected, Okay?" He says with a soft smile before turning his attention back towards Jonathan and Luke.

- End of Chapter Twenty; 833 Words -

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