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Summer's POV:

I yawn and slowly stir in my bed. I feel a weight on my stomach and I smile knowing who it is. I feel his hot breath fanning on my neck. I carefully take out his hand but he puts it back and pulls me close to him.

"Good Morning Tiger" A gruffy voice says

"Good morning Mr.Styles" I tease

He groans just as I expect. I chuckle and pull him hand away. I slowly sit up.

"Stay till the night. After work I'll drop you home" he says

"But I don't have clothes "

"Awe but uhm OK fine" I hear a hint of sadness in his tone

"I'll get my clothes and comeback here"

"Oh No No. My dad will be back in the evening so No." He raises his tone

"Ok fine"

I stand up and carefully try detecting my clothes with my hand. I find it and pick it up.

"One second I'll wear my Clothes and go out" he says

I stand and wait till he finally leaves. I quickly take out his clothes and wear mine.

"Harry" I yell

I hear the door open


"Do you have a comb?"


I hear him rummage through things then I feel his presence in front of me.

"Can I braid your hair?"

"Wow I didn't know Mr.Styles can braid" I tease

"Uhm yeah.. I braid my hair after washing to keep it curly you know"

"Oh. Ok Go ahead"

I climb on the bed and sit by the footboard. He starts brushing my hair

"What braid do you want? One side, two side, middle or dutch?" He asks

"What ever you like"

He hums

"You know I always liked braids. When I was young I would admire people with braids. When Mama is free I would braid her hair. I'll try putting for myself but I mess it up. Mama doesn't know how to do hairstyles. My sister was the one who used to braid my hair.but after she left I never got my hair braided until now." I make a little small talk while he works on my hair

"Oh. Glad I can do it. Well then from know onwards you know who to ask if you want a braid"


After he finishes I touch my hair and smile


I stand up and together we go downstairs.

"Wow Sum lovely hairstyle" I hear Hannah say

"Harry did it"

"Awesome. By the way Sis Mum packed and sent a PJ set for you.Sorry I forgot to give it"

"That's fine"

"Harry Thanks for the wonderful night. Zayn and Gigi You guys have to come for the wedding Ok." Hannah says

"Yes, I'll send the invitation through Harry" I say

"Yes Guys you must come" Louis says

"Sure we'll come" Gigi replies.

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