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Jae's POV

So...I'm in a trash can. With a torch. But no fucking wi-fi! Now I'm pissed. Charly better answer their phone

C: hello?

J: yes, right, babe I'm in a bin

C: I know

J: now I need y- wait what?

C: I know

J: how?

C: I saw Andy put you in it


C: yes

J: die

C: rude

J: get me out the trash and I'll give you a kiss to make it better

C: no you'll have garbage juice all over you

J: babe please get me out

C: fuck no

J: love you too

Well we need to have a little chat later. Maybe Dad will help.

A: hello?

J: Dad hi! I'm in a trash can

A: and

J: help!

A: no

He fucking hung up on me! That's fucking it!

Ji: hello?

Ja: mama Jinxx! Help! Andy put me in a trash can

Ji: I know. He just told everyone. I'm going to be a good person and get you out. Hang on!

I can hear Ashley in the background. "Don't let her out!" He shouts.

Ja: fuck you Dad! Die!

Then Andy shouts "I put a stone on top. She's trapped in." And then he laughs. So that's why I couldn't get out.

Ji: ok I'm almost there. Holy shit that's a big stone. I'm gonna go now.

I hear scraping and grunts coming from the outside of my can. There's a pause then the lid is lifted and Jinxx peers inside. I look at him through my lashes and smile. "Hi." I say. "Hi. Do you need some help Madam?" He asks. I nod and giggle. I stick my arms up and make grabby hands.

He grabs them and pulls me up. Several unidentifiable objects fall of my clothing. I grimace and Jinxx helps me brush some shit off.

"Hey Jinxx, can you help me with something? I have a great idea."

Ronnie's POV

"Hey where's Jae?" I ask. Everyone except Jae and Jinxx are here...even Charly's here and they're never seen without Jae. "Umm...they went to get some more monster." Andy says.

He seems unsure but I just nod. Whatever. We sit in silence for a while then Jinxx enters the bus followed by Jae. Charly stands up to hug Jae but wrinkles their nose and walks backwards. "Jae babe you fucking stink! Go take a shower or something."

"Love you too." Jae grins and kisses their cheek. "Ew, ew, ew, ew." Charly cringes and wipes at their face. "I've got bin disease all over me. Ronnie get it off, get it off." They whine. I sigh and take them to the bathroom. "Wash your face and go get changed." They nod and do what I asked. I roll my eyes and walk back into the living room. I stand this time and watch amused as Jae keeps poking Andy.

He has a scowl on his face but she stays bent over and just pokes him. "Why won't it move? Ronnie make it move!" She whines. "God you're just like you're girlfriend Jesus Christ. Tickle it." I suggest. Jae's eyes light up and she starts to tickle him. Andy squirms and kicks. Jae is on the floor in hysterics and Andy just pouts.

When she can breathe again, she goes back to poking him until Charly comes back. They sit down and Jae stands up. Jinxx walks outside and Jae follows. When they leave Andy moves.

"You're girlfriend has serious fucking issues." Andy says to Charly. They just nod. "But I love her 'cause some how she puts up with me." They shrug. "I think it's the other way round hun." Ashley says, sitting on the seat Andy recently vacated.

"Maybe." they think thoughtfully then smile. "Ash, I think I love her." Ash smiles and hugs them. "Tell her when you're ready. She might not be just yet." Charly nods.

"I know. She told me." I also know why. I know what they did to her. When I find them I swear.I'm preparing myself for the bars again. Jinxx and Jae reappear but Jae has a trash can?

Before anyone can comprehend what's happening, all the juicy contents are dumped on Andy. "This is what you get for dumping me in this shit. This shit gets dumped on you. Asshole." Jae finishes. Andy stands there, dripping in I don't even know what. Cups and gum stick in his hair.

Jinxx takes the can from Jae and Jae starts to walk away. "I'm going for a shower!" She calls. Andy grabs her wrist and pulls her back. Her eyes widen in suprise but there's also something else. Something I've not seen in them before but I don't quite know what it is. "What the fuck have you done?" Andy screeches.

Her eyes fill with anger, replacing the other emotion. "Oh come on! You seriously think I would let you get away with throwing me in the trash? If you wanted to get rid of me that's all you had to say. I'll go pack now. You obviously don't want me." Andy releases her wrist. A sharp crack echoes around the room. Andy had used his hand to slap her.

She cowers against the wall, clutching her cheek, all bravery gone. Jae sinks down into the corner, arms covering her eyes and shielding her, looking away from Andy who stands there seething and bright red.

"I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry Dad please...I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry Dad please...I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry Dad please..." she keeps whispering that over and over. Andy looks at his hand, then back at Jae and looks disgusted. He storms out the room and when I look at Jae's broken form now, I realise what I saw in her eyes. Something I never thought I would see.


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