I love you

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Emma's POV

"I won't let them hurt you." Jae says, appearing at my shoulder. "What do you mean 'them'?" I ask her, turning away from the window. "Do you seriously think he's gonna come alone? He's to scared to come alone." Jae's words scare me even more to be honest. What if he comes for me but his boyfriends come for my friends? No! No one will hurt them. No one.


"I know."

I stare wide eyed at her. "How? How could you possibly know?" I ask incredulously. "How could you not?" she retorts. "Come on! You ran away and brought me with you and you seriously thought he would let that go? I'm not suprised and honestly I thought he would've come sooner."

I stay staring at her, shocked. Ethan leaves and returns with two glasses of water. My eyes start to tear up and I look away, blinking furiously. "We need a plan." Ethan states. Instead of staying to listen, I stand and leave the room. I can't deal with this right now.

Out the corner of my eye I see three men in black suits. "Shit! They're here. Jae fuck! What do we do now?" I start to panic. Jae puts her arms around me and brings me into a hug. "Sweetie, breathe. Breathe." She whispers. I know they're coming for me and I know I will not come out of here alive.
"Jae! Emma! Some people are here to see you!" Ashley shouts from the door. "Shit! Ashley, don't let them in! Jae hide." She nods and lets go of me, curling a protective arm around her swollen stomach. "You'll be OK, I promise." I say. Tears well in her eyes as she turns away. "Go to Dad and try to distract them. I'll go hide in my bunk." She says, her voice trembling.

I nod even though she's unable to see. I'm scared if I try to talk my voice will give away my true feelings. I'm scared. I leave the room and head towards Ashley and the door, blinking away unshed tears. I must not seem weak. "Ah my dear sister. How are you?" Minx asks. I snort. "Like you fucking care. Now, are you gonna be a fucking prick or are you gonna tell me why you're here?" I snap.

"So many questions dear sister, your words cut deep. Are you not glad to see me?" He feigns sadness and hurt but I see right through it. When we were younger, his way with words was how he used to get out of trouble. "cut the crap and tell me what you want." He narrows his eyes. "You know what I want." His voice is quiet and low, making the hairs on my arms stand on end.

"Care to join me for a walk?" Minx asks. Ashley looks at me questioningly. "Minx simply wants to ask me why I left. I'm sure he's angry that I left without saying anything. I'll be back soon I promise." I hug him and whisper "look after Jae for me." When I pull away his eyes show concern and confusion but I give him my most comforting smile. "Don't worry Ash I'll be back soon."

Minx grabs my arm and pulls me away from the only place I'm safe. I spot Jae peering out of a window but I'm dragged away from the bus and round a corner, and out of sight. "So, you know why I'm here. Can we simply talk?" He asks. I yank my arm away. "You can drop the act now, no one is here so just get on with it."

I hear a clicking sound and the cold barrel of a gun against my sweating skin. "Just get on with it? Are you so desperate to die?" He asks. "Yes. I have no one left." My voice trembles. "Ah dear sister, you have me."

"You're no brother of mine!" The gun is pressed on harder. "I don't think you want to do that." A cool voice calls. Both of us turn our heads and Minx's friends stand more alert, hands poised over their guns. "Oh relax boys, I'm unarmed." They say. Jae steps out of the shadows, closely followed by Ethan.

"Hello, how nice of you to join us." Minx greets them. "You're also both very foolish." He keeps the gun steady but concentrates on them. Jae takes another step forward and edges closer. "I don't think you want to do that." She repeats. "She's your sister. Are you really going to take her life?" Jae asks. "Do not question me!" He shouts, pointing the gun at her.

I scramble away and both Minx's friends grab my arms. Jae shows no emotion, her face is blank. Ethan goes to pull her away but she holds out her hand. "Don't." I'm not sure who she's talking to. "Minx are you stupid! Have you not killed enough children?" Instinctively Jae puts one hand on her stomach as Minx turns his gun back to me.

"Shut up!" Minx screeches. "You know nothing!"

"I know everything! I know you're scared."


"I know you're confused."


"I know you're weak!"

"I am not weak!" The trigger is pulled, multiple gunshots resonate, a scream fills the air, a body falls to the floor. It's not mine.

Jae's POV

I see the warning in Minx's eyes and his trembling figure. Emma is agitating him and he's about to break. Ethan senses what I about to do but he realises to late. Emma saved my life, now I shall return the favour.

Bullets, quick and deadly, pierce my stomach. I feel pain radiate through my body and blood stain me and the ground on which I have fallen. Emma said she would come back home and she will. I made no such promise.

A scream tears from my throat, flying into the darkness slowly consuming me.

"I love you. I'm sorry."

Ethan's POV

Anger comes first, shock comes second. I launch myself at Minx, wrestling his body to the ground. I tear the gun from his hand and point it at his head. My hands are steady and so is my aim. I don't have time to see the damage but I know she's long gone. Both of them. I saw where the shots were. Neither of them could've survived that.

"You killed my family. I can't let you get away with that." I growl. "Do it. So what if I killed another child. They all deserve it." He laughs a dry laugh. I don't look away but watch with interest as he brains and blood spray the floor and our clothes. My finger relaxes and I drop the covered gun onto the ground. Minx's friends let go of Emma and leave. "And don't come back!" She shouts.

I'm aware she says something else but a ringing in my ears drowns it out. I kneel beside Jae and place my hands on her stomach, covering the wound. My hands bathe in her blood and mingle with Minx's. Her eyes are closed and her lips are soft and parted. I place my own upon hers, reveling in her taste on last time.

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so fucking sorry." My eyes are dry and unblinking. I don't know how much time I kneel here for but it's enough to Emma to have run back to the bus. She returns with Ashley and Andy. Andy lifts me away from her, trailing her blood across the ground. "Jae! No! Who did this?" He demands. Emma backs away.

"It was my brother." She says, pointing to his body. Ashley's eyes fill with a burning fire. "I shot him." I hear myself say. "Let me go Andy." He lets me go and I drop to the floor. "Ashley...we need to get her to the hospital. She's dead but...our child might not be." He doesn't move. "Ashley." I say with more force. He snaps out of his anger daze and stands up.

"Yes of course..." He trails off and looks at Minx. "I'll despose of it." I offer. Ashley looks grateful and allows Andy to help him up. "I'll call an ambulance." Emma says. She walks over to me. "He's not my brother anymore. He hasn't been for many years." She says. "I'll put the gun in his hand and clean it. I'll make it look like suicide. I'm sure you'll agree that it was and his friends were never there. They'll believe us. They'll believe his sister." I turn to look at her.

"Will you lie for me? Will you say you love him? If you're upset they will believe you more. No one will dare disregard a mourning sibling." Emma nods and brings me into a hug. "I love Jae. I will do anything." I thank her and hug her tighter. "An ambulance has been called and the police are on their way." Andy says. Tears coat his and Ashelys cheeks. Andy seems more stable than Ash which isn't hard seeing as he's hysterical.

My emotions catch up with me, forcing me to my knees. I know I've lost them both but if there's anyway either of them can be saved...no it's impossible. No one can be brought back from the dead. No one.

I've lost it all.

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