I'm not gay

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Jae's POV

It hurts. It hurts so much. I'm not even talking about my face. "Sweetie I know you're hurting but let me look at your face." I sniffle and look up letting Dad examine my face. Tears still fall making the cut on my eye sting.


"Fucking pathetic! Don't even know why I'm with you." Charly leers. Their hand lashes out, scratching just below my eye. Tears well and a couple fall.

"See you are pathetic! Aw is the ickle baby cwying? Does the ickle baby need it's mommy?" Charly slaps me again. Then punches and kicks my stomach.

"Charly please! What are you doing?" I'm so confused. "I'm leaving you. I can do better than you. I don't want anything to do with you." They hit me again then leave. I curl inwards and cry.

"Ooh that looks nasty. You'll get better sweeheart. Promise." Dad hugs me and pulls me to his chest while I cry everything out. This kind of reminds me of another time.

Flashback ~ two years ago

"Ethan come on!" I pull at his arm. He groan and puts his phone away, letting me drag him to the swings. "I'll push you!" He shouts. I giggle and let him. We laugh and swing for a while until some whore interrupts us.

"Ethan babe you're here! What's this?" She points at me. Ethan stops pushing me and slings an arm around her. "It's nothing. Just a pathetic fag. Let's go baby." They walk away leaving me alone. He's too far away to hear my heart shatter and collect in a pile at the bottom of my ribcage.

"Can you belive I've been gay for two years?" I chuckle and look up at him. Dad grins and kisses my forehead. "What exactly happened with Ethan?"he asks. I sit back and tell him. I remember our whole relationship. We had been together since we were twelve so two years. It's been four years since we met. We were so happy. Then he cheated on me and I promised myself no fucking boys. Mainly 'cause I'm still in love with him.

"Hey we have to go do a meet and greet now but if you want I can stay with you." He offers. I know he's really looking forward to this one and I don't want him to miss it. "Nah Dad I'll be fine. I might go for a walk actually but I'll take my phone and call you if my plans change." He looks at me suprised.

"Really? I can stay if you wan-"

"Dad just go. I'll see you later." I kiss his cheek and wriggle away. I've decided that I'll go for a little stroll and then I'll head back. Half an hour to an hour max. "Jae?" Or not. I slowly turn round to see who called. Oh shit! My hand flies to my mouth and I back away. "Fucking shitballs." I mutter.

"Hey you still got the same catchphrase." They wink at me then stop and study my face and body. "You've grown...you're beautiful! Wait, what happened to your face?"

"Ex girlfriend hit me. The question is why are you here?" I ask suspicious. "I'm here because I love the music. Always have done. You know that." Ethan gives me that same winning smile.

"Why did she hit you? What happened?" He asks. "First off it's they and they did it because...I don't know. They hit me and then just left me." Ethan nods and opens his arms invitingly. I hurl myself into them and cry on his chest.

When I've calmed down we talk. I told him about the guys and how Dad's gotten better. He tells me how that whore he was dating used him and how he's taking courses to become a surgeon. I remember that's what he's always wanted to be.

We walk back to the bus and talk a bit more inside. We have a couple glasses of wine and talk some more. "I'm so glad we found each other again. I've been thinking about you a lot lately." He says, embarrassed. I smile despite myself "umm actually, so have I..." I look at him through my lashes and bite my lip.

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