Appalachia ( Land Of Spirits)

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I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. I grew up in the heart of Appalachia, at the head of a holler, surrounded by my mom's extended family. The land has been passed down in the family for 7 generations and has seen quite a few deaths in its time (as most family would rather spend their last few moments on earth at "home"). This is normal for most Appalachian "clans", but what is not normal is that the women in my family can see and connect with those that have passed on. These people never really leave.

I know it sounds crazy, but I vividly remember my great grandmother, who died three weeks after I was born. She used to take naps with me and comfort me. I can tell you her favorite color, what she was thinking when she died (in my house)(yes, I asked her), and secrets she had with my mother.

There was another spirit that lived in my house. A young girl that was in my bathroom once. I screamed when I saw her and my mom came running from the laundry room, she saw her too. After my mom threw the bleach she was carrying at her the girl disappeared. We think this could have been my great-great aunt's sister that died in my driveway, but no one knows for sure. We didn't see her again after this. My cousin's five-year-old daughter keeps asking about the little girl that lives in the drive way.

That's not the only thing weird about my home, I can also tell you when someone dies. When my great uncle passed, I knew it when I was at my home (5 houses away) eating lunch. I could feel it. This happens everytime someone passes away. I feel it before I'm told about it.

What I'm looking for is any kind of information on Appalachia and sprits. I swear. there is something in the mountains or the land, it can't just be me that's noticed it.

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And remember...
Best things happen in the dark...

I will post more stories soon.
Until then stay spooky!

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