❗️ Smut ❗️❗️Fluff❗️
Todoroki is the prince of Endeavors kingdom you happen to be a thief with the quirk invisibility anything you touch becomes invisible and you yourself can turn invisible...
Key:(Yan)=Your Name (Fan)=First Name (Lan)=Last Name (Hal)=Hair Length (Hac)=Hair Color (Eac)=Eyes Color (Sac)=Skin Color (Fac)=Favorite Color (Aac)=Any Color
~(Yan) Perspective~ "Your kidding me" I ask Shoto "nope" "why do I need all these forks!?!" "good question" he says I sigh and he continues teaching me how to use every piece of silverware. After 1 long hour I memorize which one is used for "ugh finally I memorized it" "yep good job" I feel his hands grab my chin and his soft lips touch mine I melt into it he licks my bottom lip I shudder from the move but I open my mouth I deepen the kiss pulling him closer to me I suck on his tounge making him groan quietly, he pulls away slightly blushing and smiles you blush madly and smile back "come on im going to give you a tour" "can I eat first" I ask "i'll incorporate it into the tour" "kay" I get up and follow him around he shows me the library which im absolutely amazed by books everywhere on all the shelfs. He takes me to the animal pens next I kneel down and pet the sheeps, cows, pigs, and the chickens "I love animals I use to raise a couple er my family raised them" I continue petting the animals. "You know we have other places to go like the kitchen" Shoto says my (eac) eyes light up he chuckles and leads me the the kitchen I practically bounce into it "what do you want?" I think for a moment "(insert fav food)" he simply nods his head and gets to work cooking. I watch him cook (fav food) and start drooling because of the smell he chuckles "smell good?" he asked I nod my head he continues cooking.
~little time skip~
"Shoto that was sooo good" I say "thanks (y-yan)" he says studdering my first name I smile and see a maid and turn invisible "young master your father wishes to see you" she says Shoto nods his head I follow them to the throne room keeping my quirk in check so I dont turn something thing invisible. We walk into the throne room and I get intimidated as soon as he speaks "Shoto" "yes father" "have you found a sutible partner" "yes father" "and she is where?" Shoto nods his head I turn visible behind Shoto "she snuck IN HERE" I flinch when he yells "Father I let her in here" "A PEASANT" I flinch again holding onto Shoto's arm"please Father give her a chance ive trained her well" he sighs "fine she'll dine with us tonight" he growls. I smile at Shoto "thank you father" we walk out I hold Shotos hand while we walk back to his room. Once we get in his room he picks me up and kisses me I hold onto his neck and run my fingers through his hair we separate for air smiling at each other "victorious swim?" he asks I nod my head "does your sister have a swimsuit by any chance" he carrys me to her room and sets me on her bed "you dont have to treat me so fragile" I say while he looks around "yes I do your my princess" I blush and he pulls out a swimsuit. "Uh Shoto dont you think thats a bit reveling"
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(Can be whatever color)
"No I dont think so" he says I growl slightly "fine" I grab it and go into the bathroom and change I come out invisible with a towel in my hand "it's embarrassing" he just stands there in his swimming trunks "uh hello earth to shoto" I wave my hand infront of his face "u-uh sorry" "well come on lets go" I turn both of us invisible and we sneak out of the castle to the lake. I turn him visible but keep myself invisible "why dont you be visible?" "c-cause this swimsuit is embarrassing" "you swam with me in the nude" I blush "fine" I grumble and turn visible he kinda just stares at me I get flustered and jump into the lake, he calmly walks into the lake and swims around I just sit there watching him I go under the water and surface to not see Shoto anywhere "Shoto?" I say, no response "SHOTO" I yell, no response I feel arms snake around me "S-shoto" I feel him suck on my neck I moan a little bit "S-shoto what are you doing" he tightens his grip on my waist and kisses down my neck and collar bone. "S-shoto we have to g-get back" he groans "your no fun" "I just want to make a good first im- S-shoto!" he snakes his hands up to my breasts and plays with them. I moan "s-shoto we can't we have to go to dinner" "we still have time~" he says with sweetness in his voice still playing with my boobs. I moan "S-shoto-o we can do this after d-dinner" he grumbles "fine" and lets go of me.
~Time Skip To Just Before Dinner~
~Shoto's Perspective~ "You almost ready?" I ask her "yeah" she walkes out in a longer (acc) dress and black heels with her (hal) (hac) hair in a up-do (like a bun or pony tail just up) "your look stunning" I tell her "thanks you look quite handsome but im never going to be able to walk in these" (yan) points to her feet. We walk to the dining hall and sit at the table "a-ah hello King E-endeavor" (yan) studders my father growls in response. The maids bring out the food and we all start eating an awkward silence settles in the room Shoto breaks the silence "uh so how was your day father" he asks "fine" he growls I keep my head down and continue eating.
~Authors note~ Sorry that this took a while ~Authors note~