Chapter 23~ Allie's fear

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Allie's POV. 

In my head I still can hear my killer telling me I will die, fear struck over me like a black cloud covering the sky in shadowy woods. Morgan looked at me with worry. I tried not to make any eye contact with her. She is the only one that can keep me from escaping help when I need it, and don't even ask why, I don't fripping know. All I want is to free from the doctors and nurses no matter how they try to tell me it's ok, I know it's all lies. They all think that I need to not escape. I know my ways around the people who want to trap me in one place. They never know how I can free from them so easily. I was trained by Shadow the hedgehog. He has told me that if anyone try's to get their hands on me to do any harm or whatever for me to escape, the police on the other hand think that he's bad news no matter what I try to tell them, I know why Shadow does what he does. All the police need to know is to, LEAVE HIM ALONE! 

Morgan looks at me, I don't want her to tell me anything. 

"Allie, are you ok, you look very scared for some reason?" She asked me 

I didn't want to look at her, I had fear in me, I pulled back on the reins to get cloud to stop. She look at me in worry. 

"Allie your scared, what's wrong?" Cloud Asked me 

I had no choice but to answer them, I couldn't try to escape because I know I would be stopped. 

"It's my Killer."I said in fear 

"Allie, it's ok, Johnson will not kill you, I won't let him." Morgan told me 

"But, he's still out there after me." I said 

"I know, I know, you will be safe with me and my father." Morgan said to me 

"No! Not after what I did, he will want me in jail." I said in tears 

"No, no, Allie, he will not cuff you, it's ok." Morgan said to me 

Morgan hugged me as I cried in fear, she is an officer but she knows my fear better then the rest of them.

"Morgan, when will Allie go back to the hospital for a check up?" Cloud asked 

"Dixie wants to see her today so she can check on the wounds that are healing." Morgan said 

I really don't like Dixie at all, I will escape her as quick as fire. 

"No! I don't want to go there." I said in fear 

"Allie, shhh, it's ok, it was her orders, and we have to follow them." Morgan told me gently 

"You know, we will not let anyone hurt you girl." Cloud told me 

"It won't be soon, but I think something is up." Morgan said 

Cloud could sense something that was not good at all. 

"Guys, hold on, I sense danger."  Cloud said 

"Who is in danger?"  I asked in fear 

Cloud looked up at me and said "Sophie."

Fear covered me as I started to think either my killer has hold of her or her kidnapper. 

"We need to save her." Morgan said 

"Allie, we will get you back to Fox, and me and Morgan will save Sophie." Cloud told me 

I nodded in fear, I knew where we were going and I will Fripp out. 

 Back at the hospital.... 

I didn't want Morgan to go, I'm still scared that Pete and Jim are going to arrest me for what Shadow made me do. What if Pete and Jim finds out about it, no they won't even dare arrest me, I will run from them. I did that with Scarlett and my other friend from school on Friday when we had free time. They just think they will get me behind bars, well, they better think again because they will fail big time with me. I looked up at Morgan with fear, but she started to rub my back as I relax in her hold. She pick me up and carried me to fox, my leader got hold of me. 

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