ch 1

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This chapter gets kind of deep sorry hope you enjoy.

Jack's POV

Today is another day at Central Hights right, wrong. Hi my name is Leach, Jack Leach. I am a 17 year old boy. I have long blonde hair. I also blue eyes and glasses. I am very short. I'm only 5'8. I have all A's in my classes. Ya I know what a nerd. Yes I am, I also get bullied because of it. Ya my bully's name is Jake, Jake Martin. He has green eyes, the blackest hair, he is also very tall. He is like 6'2. And before you ask, yes I like him. I've liked him since we were in
elementary together.  I like him but he doesn't know or care about me well that's what I thought. I was walking in the hallway went someone bumped into me and caused me to come out of my thoughts. The person said "Oh excuse me ma'am." What the fuck I'm not a female so why do people keep mistaking me as one its bullshit. That's it this is the last time I'm going to be mistaken as a girl. As soon as I got home I went to the bathroom and got the buzzers and buzzed off all my hair. after I was done I looked to see how much hair cut off and it was 8' in total. I took a shower then cooked dinner and went to bed, ready for tomorrow.

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