Can We Talk?

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So today is Saturday 10-28-17 for me. This topic gets very deep so it this is a touchy subject for you you can leave. I'm sorry I love you guys. What I want to talk about is suicide. Now if your confused about why I put the date that is because yesterday my school had someone come in and talk to us about suicide. I am going to be honest about this I cried because this is a very touchy subject to me but I want to share my story. He talked about how to tell if someone might be thinking about suicide. Things to say/ not say. There was a video about it. Now you might be thinking why are you telling me this. Well I want to tell you that if you are thinking about suicide don't do it. Now you might be saying you sound just like the rest. No I care about you all as individuals. I care for you. I know it hurts but you can get throw it. I know what it's like to be in that situation. I have a past of cutting and it's not fun. I have had people tell me I will pay someone to take your life, I hope you choke and die, you are a wast of space, your going to hell because you are a fag, go jump off a fucking Bridge and die, you make everyone's life a living hell, your so ugly no-one is ever going to have sex with you, you will be a virgin forever. But no-matter what I ignore them. Even if I put a fake smile on it blocks some of the pain. If you need someone to talk to you can talk to me, an adult, friend. Someone will be there for you. I promise you won't have to go throw this alone. The way you can get ahold of me is on Facebook or Twitter. My Facebook is Trinity Funk and my Twitter is @Trinity-Adrain if you need anything this is how you get ahold of me.

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