ch 8

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Jack's POV

To: The love of my life

What is love? The feeling of wanting to be around someone every day and all the time. The feeling of not being alone. To have someone to call yours forever. The feeling of wanting to spend the rest of your life's together.The feeling of happiness that you share. They feeling of being treated better then you have ever been before. It's not just lust that I feel with you. Ever touch, smile, look you give me makes my heart feels like it's about to explode. Is it the feeling of wanting to be with you ever second of the day? Is love when you leave me and all I want to do is cry because I love you so much and when you leave me I feel sad? There are so many way to explain love, but to me the feeling of love is the feeling of being loved and someone wanting to be with you. They saying I love you because they want to be with you and because the love you. I love you isn't just a word it a feeling. Ya some people say that that love is cheesy but it really isn't. I always thought love is stupid until I meet you Jack. You are so sweet and cute. I don't ever want to leave your side. You makes me so happy. I love your blue eyes and short blonde hair, your smile, your laugh. I even love your scars that you try hiding under your shirt. I love the things you even the things and tell yourself are hideous there not, because to me nothing  about you is hideous there perfect and I wish I could convince you that they are. I don't  know what you did to deserve you. I love you so much. I can't explain it it's that much love. I hope you loves me as such as I love you because you are my everything. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much.

                ~ Jake Leach

I kept reading the letter over and over again. I have tears running down my face and a huge smile on my face. Did he really mean it? God I love him.

Hey guys sorry if this grosses you out.  I just wanted something cute for this chapter. This chapter is definitely a weird chapter and I know you guys might be confused but it will make sense after a while. Have a great day/night. Love you guys. P.s this is how Jake told Jack he liked him.

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