Chapter 1

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Today was supposed to be our day off, but what really alerted us that something was wrong, was that we were being called into the 'office' which really means, the Government's Headquarters for Spy Activity.

"Hello boys," Simon Cowell says as me and the lads walk in, all confused as to why we are here and not having fun during our day off. "Do you know why you're here?"

Of course not, and he knows we don't, but he loves being suspenseful. So instead of answering back like we all wanted to, we just nodded our heads and waited for him to continue.

"Very well then," Simon turns leans back in his seat, folding his arms. "Last week a girl I signed a month ago got a mysterious call. That quite frankly, I think you five can handle."Instantly Louis' head shoots up, staring daggers at Simon.

"And what do you mean by that?" Louis hisses.

Usually Louis is fun loving, carefree kind of guy, but when it comes to missions, he is as cold as a robot. He is determined and hard headed. He's very stubborn, which usually places him in some tight situations.

"What I mean," Simon says, glaring back at Louis. "Is that I want you five to go in with her on tour and one of you must pretend to be her boyfriend. So at least one of you can be with her at all times with no questions asked. Th-"

"What?" Louis explodes, his face reddening with anger. "You cannot seriously be sending five of your best spies to go and babysit a girl that you only signed last month. I mean, if you want to protect her so badly, you should hire some guards, not spies. We have trained to infiltrate, gather data, and kill, not sit around and act all cute while protecting one girl."

Simon closes his eyes and breathes in sharply. "Louis, this girl has become a huge music icon in just this month alone. Imagine what will happen in the next month. More popularity, more fans, less privacy. Which means, it will be easier for whoever is targeting her to reach her. She-"

"But why us? Why are you sending your five best agents-" Louis begins to scream.

"Because of what happened two weeks ago!" Simon suddenly yells. Louis immediately shuts up. I look side ways and see Niall flinch away, while Liam and Zayn are pressing slightly against the wall. I lean back in my chair, afraid of what will come out of the sentence alone.

"Two weeks ago was a mistake." Louis mutters, looking away.

Silence fills the room, and it takes a moment for Simon to continue.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up Louis, but after that mistake, I need for you guys to prove to me that you can handle missions again. That's why you're getting this mission, to prove to me that two weeks ago was a mistake."

The lads and I just nod, but it takes a little more time before Louis finally nods his understandings.

"Good, now, she should be arriving in London soon. I want you boys to wait in Louis and Harry's flat. Once I pick her up, I'll take her and drop her off with you." Simon stands up and walks towards the door. "Oh, and make sure by the time I go by the flat, you have decided on who will be her fake boyfriend."

With that, Simon leaves, leaving the five of us alone. To wonder what this new assignment was going to be like. We're never really had an assignment like this before. It's usually more detailed and organized, usually less personal.

"So, who wants to be the girl's boyfriend?" Liam says, suddenly breaking the silence.

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