Chapter 4

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After storming out of their flat, I had made my way to a club. Sure, I was here to save my reputation, but that didn't mean I was actually going to stop my partying ways. I mean, come on, who are they kidding? Do any of them really think giving me a boyfriend will solve everything?

Once I make it inside the club, I make my way over to the bar. Apparently, it's legal to drink in the UK when you're 18 years old. Sweet! I tell the bartender to give me something, anything. As long as it's strong.

Once he hands me a glass of some type of alcohol, I chug it down. The familiar burning runs down my throat. I drink three more of whatever the bartender gave me, then make my way towards the dance floor. Sweaty bodies pressed together as everyone danced to the blaring music.

 I sway back and forth, closing my eyes. A few seconds later, I feel hands grasp my waist, swaying with me. I try to turn around, but the hands tighten around my waist, forcing me to stay looking forward. I just shrug to myself and continue to dance, that is, until the songs stared slowing down. I tried to pull away from the person still holding my waist, but they just wouldn't loosen up their grip.

I try to pull away, but end up crying out in pain once I feel their nails dig into my sides. "Ow! Let go. Let go of me!"

Instead letting go, the mystery person pulls be backwards, causing me to almost fall over my own two feet. The hands leave my waist and I am filled with relief...that is, until I feel the same hand grab my hand roughly, dragging me out of the club.

"L-let go!" I say, the world lopsiding.

I head faint foot steps behind me, but I only focus on what's in front of me. The hand continues to drag me forward, until we come up to a dark van, with tinted windows. You know, that stereotypical bad guy van.

"Pl-please let go." I sob, trying to tug my hand away.

But I can feel the alcohol working it's way into my system. I can feel the world spinning around me, and my words come out slurred.

"Please." I plead once more.

Finally, for the first time this night, I see my captors face as he turns around. A cold smile on his face. But that is the only thing I can see, because of the absence of the sun. My eye lids begin to get heavy, slowly closing. However, when I hear a loud crash behind me, they instantly snap open.

I try to squirm out of his deathly grip, but he just won't let go.

"Please...please, I haven't done anything. Please, just let me go." I plead once more, more tears falling.

My captor continues to stare behind me, but when he talks, I know it's directed towards me.

"I called you. I warned you. You didn't listen. And now, I'm making a statement. If you don't stop and slowly fade away, we will be back." The man throws me to the ground, my head bouncing against the hard pavement.

Unconsciousness begins to set in, and the last thing I see, is a figure frantically staring down at me, shouting questions, demanding answers. But his voice is distorted, and soon enough, I am engulfed in darkness.


A/N: I'm not sure if I'm going to continue this story, the sole reason being that I'm not really good at writing spy stories. But, I'll leave it to you to decide. If I do stop, however, I promise to continue later on.

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