Chapter 3

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After arriving to the flat I shared with my best mate, the lads and I immediately begin talking about the new assignment.

"So, we know nothing about this girl, which means it will be even harder to earn her trust and make her comfortable around us." Liam says, pacing from one side of the room to the other.

"Yeah, so it's kind of hard to pick which one of us would best be suitable as her fake boyfriend. I mean, if it was a girl that liked bad boys, Zayn would be perfect for the job, or if a girl liked a cheeky fellow, Harry would definitely be the man. But we have no idea, so how can we just pick one of us to be her fake boyfriend? What if we pick her complete opposite and it ruins everything." Niall says, his blue eyes flashing with worry.

With little to no detail on anything, this mission was by far the hardest. I mean, sure, I thought it was stupid and unnecessary, but still, we knew nothing about the girl, how were we just going to pick one of us to pretend to be her boyfriend?

"Why don't we look online and see what we can find? I mean, surely she must be somewhere. She is the next big thing in music in America." Harry suggests, already turning on his laptop and typing away.

The lads and I wait patiently, until Harry looks up with his eyebrows furrowed. "Nothing. I mean, it says she's been in some trouble in America, but there is absolutely nothing about her or any pictures."

I groan and lean back into the couch. "Dammit, how are we supposed to babysit this girl if we have no idea what she's like?"

Liam scowls. "We're not 'babysitting' her, we're protecting her from whoever called and threatened her."

I roll my eyes. "Whoever threatened her was probably a jealous nobody. I mean, her fans wouldn't threaten her, but maybe someone that's jealous or thinks of her as competition would want to get rid of her. Or maybe, even an ex-boyfriend who was dumped for no reason."

"Either way, we have to take this seriously." Liam sternly says.

"Yes Dad," I say sarcastically.

Liam ignores my comment and turns back to the lads. "So, we're going to have to decide right now, who's going to be her fake boyfriend. I say it should be the best out of us all."

"Yeah, someone that can handle any kind of girl." Zayn puts in.

"Definitely not me." Harry whispers to Niall, which Niall nods and whispers back. "Me neither mate."

"I say Louis should do it." Harry suddenly says.

My eyes widen and I turn to him in disbelief. He must be joking, someone please tell me he's joking. He mouths 'what' at me, but all I can do is stare at him with wide eyes.

"Then it's been decided, Louis, you'll be her fake boyfriend." Liam says.

That's what breaks my silence. "Wait! No, I am not pretending to being some girls boyfriend. I don't even want to do this stupid mission, what makes you think I want to be part of it anymore than I have to already?"

"Because," Harry says, walking up to me and placing a calming hand on my shoulder. "You take mission seriously, more serious than Liam does. You're committed and you'd do anything for any assignment we receive."

I groan. "Fine."

And that is when we hear a knock on our flat door.

"I'll get it," Harry says, rushing off to open the door. Liam, Zayn, and Niall follow closely behind. I sigh and walk after them, just as I walk in, I see her turn towards us.

Her brown curled hair swishes as she turns her head, her hazel eyes widen as she takes notice of the five of use. Instantly I look down and notice the many tatoos on her arms, but make no comment. Before any of the lads can utter a word, she opens her mouth.

"Can I help you with something?" Her voice comes out cold as she narrows her eyes at us.

Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Liam look taken aback by her attitude, but I stay calm and firm. I will not show this girl fear, especially since I know I can easily win because of all my training. I raise an eyebrow and instantly she turns away to look at Simon, who is leaning against the wall with his arms folded against his chest.

She does the same, leans against the wall and crosses her arms in front of her chest. "So Simon, how is coming here going to help with my 'behavor problems'?"

Confusion fills me. So she thinks she's here for an attitude adjustment?

Instead of answering her question, Simon sweeps his hand, gesturing to us. "Sierra, meet One Direction. Boys, this is Sierra Dawson, rising singer/model."

"So she's the one?" Zayn suddenly asks, his eyes staring admiringly at her. I would too, if it weren't for her attitude.

"Yes," Simon sighs.

She looks at us and back at Simon, raising a single eyebrow. "What does he mean 'the one'? This is starting to sound like some kind of supernatural movie deal kind of thing. What's going on?"

"To better your image, One Direction will be touring with you from now on. And to help you tame that aggression you have and also to tame that wild image everyone has of you, you will be openly dating one of the boys."

Her eyes widen as she stares in shock at Simon. She stutters out, "You must be joking."

 She looks at each of our faces, searching for an answer. Of course, she gets one, but it's not the one she as expecting, or wanted.

"So the boys and I have decided on who will be your new fake boyfriend-" He cuts off quickly as he sees her staring off into her own little world. "Sierra, are you listening?" He snaps.

I turn to look at her and her eyes widen with confusion. "What?"

"As we were saying, you're new boyfriend has already been decided." Simon takes a pause and looks at each of us. How is he supposed to know who we decided on, we haven't told him yet? "The boys have agreed, and your new boyfriend will be Harry Styles."

Whoa...what? When did 'we' decide on that? I turn and see Harry's eyes widen. He opens his mouth, and I know he wants to tell Simon that the lads had actually picked me to be her fake boyfriend, but after receiving a warning look from Simon, he quickly closes it.

Sierra must have taken it the wrong way, because instantly her eyes narrow and she sneers at Harry. "Don't worry Curly, I don't want to do this anymore than you do."

Before anyone can say anything else, she turns on her heels, storming out of the flat. Leaving us all stunned and confused.

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