Chapter 5

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After Sierra stormed out of the flat, Simon left to go look for her. Liam, Zayn, and Niall went back to their own flat, leaving Harry and I alone in our shared home.

"So," Harry starts, obviously nervous. But why? It's not like I care if I'm Sierra's fake boyfriend or not. I was against the whole idea anyways.

"Hazzabear, I wanna cuddle." I exclaim, breaking the awkward air around us as I settle down on the couch, waiting for him to come sit down with me.

Harry chuckles, shaking his head and running towards the couch, landing on my stomach and knocking the air right out of me. Harry immediately gets off, but not without laughing at my predicament. After regaining air, Harry and I settle on the couch, laying in eat other's arms.

No, I know what you're thinking, but no. We are not together. We don't hold any romantic feelings for one another in any way. We're just best friends, and this is how we act. I can tell you now, he and I are as straight as a pencil.  After a few minutes of just watching TV in silence, Harry shifts around, so he's looking at me.

"Boobear, you should go after her." Harry says, obviously referring to Sierra.

I roll my eyes. "Why would I do that? She's your fake girlfriend, why don't you go after her?"

If I didn't know better, I would say I sounded slightly jealous. But good thing I do know better, because I am most definitely not jealous of Harry for being the fake boyfriend to a girl that has a horrid reputation and an even worse attitude.

"Please Louis," Harry pleads, obviously ignoring what I had just said.

I sigh. I slowly get up from the couch and make my way over to the front door, grabbing my phone and car keys on the way out. A few minutes of driving I pass a club. I don't think too much about it, and almost drive away, until my keen spy skills see something very suspicious.

A black, tinted, van parksed in front of a girl. Her brown locks are swirling around her as the wind blows. She's arguing with a man as he's pulling her towards the van. I instantly park the car and hop out, ready for action.

I run up until I'm a few feet away. I am behind the girl, and I can hear her pleading with the man in front of her. I see him turn around and tell her something, but all the while, his eyes are on me. Before I can react, he throws her to the ground. I watch as he head bounces against the hard pavement, causing my stomach to flip.

I rush to her side, letting the strange man go in order to care for the girl before me. Once I take a good look at her face, it's Sierra. Her eyes are still slightly open, obviously conscious. I bend down, elevating her head.

"Sierra. are you okay? Can you hear me? Who was that? What did he want? Sierra? Can you hear me?" I keep asking questions, hoping she'd answer and let me know she was okay.

However, she just closes her eyes, drifting into blissful darkness. I pick her up, as if she were a fragile china porcelain doll, and carry her to my parked car. Once I place her gently in the back seat, I rush towards the nearest hospital. But, even with my speedy driving, I make sure to be careful with bumps and stuff like that, so as not to cause her any more injury.

Once I make it to the hospital, I rush inside, Sierra still unconscious in my arms. I run up to the front desk, a girl receptionist is sitting, talking on a phone, looking extremely bored. I rush up to her and notice she doesn't even bother looking up, just studying her nails as she talks endlessly on the phone.

"Um, excuse me, Miss?" I asks urgently.

The girl continues to talk on the phone. I clear my throat, trying to gain her attention. Finally after a few more attempts, the girl finally hangs up. When she looks up, ready to snap at me, her eyes widen with recognition.

"OH MY GOD, YOU'RE LOUIS TOMLINSON!" She screams in a high pitched voice.

I wince, but she doesn't notice.

"I am such a huge fan. Oh my god, I can't believe you're here. Wait until I tell my friends that I met Louis Tomlinson at the hospital I work at. I mean, out of any hospital in London you chose this one. Are the other boys coming? Oh my-"

"Listen, I love fans, I really do. But I don't have time for this. I need a doctor right away." I cut her off, gesturing to a sleeping Sierra in my arms.

The girl nods urgently, calling for a doctor who is by my side in an instant. After explaining that she hit her head hard on pavement, the doctor places her on a gurney, calls two nurses, and rolls her away, out of my sight.

I take my phone out instantly, calling all the lads to come to the hospital. I call Simon three times but he doesn't answer, so I give up and just leave him a voice mail. I sit in the waiting room alone for twenty minutes, before Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry come barging in, looking worried.

"Louis what happened? Where was she? Who did this to her? Where did you find her? Will she be okay? Is she hurt badly? What did the doctors say? Why aren't you saying anything? Louis? Louis are you okay?" They kept asking questions, but I couldn't answer any, because as soon as I was, another question as brought my way.

"Guys," A voice says forcefully, thankfully silencing the three questioning voice. "Let him take a breath."

I look up at give him a small smile. "Thanks Liam."

Liam gives me a tiny smile. We all wait in silence, until finally, the doctor that took her on the gurney comes into the waiting rom. The lads and I crowd around him, waiting to hear if Sierra was okay or not.

A/N: Hello Lovlies, sorry I haven't been updating recently, but that's going to change. I am going to try and update all my stories every week. But I really need your support. Because I don't know if I should continue or not.

But thank you for reading this story. I'm still trying to work out everything. I have two other stories and one that I haven't published but I'm on the fourth chapter. I'm going to try an finish this story before I publish the other one.

So once again, thank you for your support. Without you, I probably wouldn't have continued this story. Hope you enjoyed, I'll try and update Friday, but if I can't, I'll update next week for sure. :)

-Sammy xx


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