The Blue Stars Incident

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This is quite a bit older probably around 2010 or 2011. I'm gonna write it using emojis as well like I did when I first wrote it two or three years back but yea without further ado here's the first chapter in the Official Incident Book.
Person speaking guide:
(I'm also gonna use emojis for emotions too)
*its a casual day of Kendall and Ava fighting in the basement over where a piece goes in a custom candy land puzzle where pieces can go where ever you want them to*
🐍: no no no! This one should go there instead!😡
🐊: everything is all about you. You're just so selfish.😐
🐍: I'm selfish? I'm the guest here and you won't let me put my piece in that spot!😤
*i decided to come to the basement and step in at this point, because we had a two story house instead of a bungalow when this happened, and you could still hear them fighting through the entire house.*
🦐: guys, please stop fighting! We can all get along and go play barbies!😊
*i run up away and into my room in tears, also side note that I was like 7 when this took place I'd never be this stupid anymore*
*after about half an hour of sitting in my closet, playing with this little stamp that I won at school with tears running down my face, there's a knock on my door*
🐍: Reeve?😞
🦐: what do you want?!😭
🐍: umm, what's your favourite colour?😬
🦐: blue😭
🐍: what's your favourite shape?😕
🦐: s-st...stars...😖
🐍: okay😊
*and off she went. I was confused as to why she wanted to know my favourite shape and colour, but I didn't think much about it as I got out more toys to occupy myself. It wasn't until another hour and a half passed that another knock came on my door. Someone slipped a folded piece of paper under the door and left.*

*i unfolded the paper to see a messy, childish, handwritten note by who I guessed was Liam pulling a prank, or Ava for some reason. I ruled out my sister, Kendall, since she never really felt bad when she got into a fight with me. The note read,
"Dear Reeve,
I'm sorry for making you cry. You're my bestest friend. From Ava"
I turned over the note to see a drawing of two stick people, that appeared to be me and her. Above us were stars, but not just any stars. They were blue, with an arrow pointing towards them with a label that said "blue stars"*

Skip to a few months later...

I never mentioned the note to Ava or thanked her for it. Several months later we were taking a trip down to their house. I packed the note with me in my suitcase.

First thing when we got there, Ava excitedly took us down to their playroom, to which I happily brought the note.
🐊:Lets play hide and seek!😁
🦈: okay, but only if I don't have to count.🙄
🦐: I can count!😊
🐍: yay!😀
*and with that they all went upstairs to hide*
*i turned away from them with a sly smirk on my face, ready to put my plan into action*

* I went to the craft table, grabbed scissors, and cut up the part of the note with the stars on it, but not to the point that the stars were unrecognizable. I reached for a tube of blue glitter glue and glued the blue stars all over the basement. To the walls, the carpet, the Disney princess play kitchen and included food, the chairs, probably more places I can't think of, and put glitter glue everywhere, and trashed the place while I was at it. I didn't care until I found out a while later that Ava spent three hours cleaning up the mess after we left, while Liam sat against the wall bawling his eyes out because he didn't make the mess and was still being asked to clean*

The end

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