The werewolf story (Hunter)

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Hunter POV
Hazel just told us her story and to be honest I didn't even know that's how she find out. I mean we never really told each other how we find out what we were. I just never thought to ask and now that I know I feel I'm a little bit closer to her even though we are very close now it's just I never seen the side of her when she was little. Well I knew that she would be different when she was little and how she is now but still. I just didn't know that is was scared when she was growing up cause the girl I know now is brave and would never run away from a fight but to it. And I'm not even joking she has run to a fight even though Violet and i said not to but she still did it. That why I'm just surprised.

Anyway my story is different to hers and Eve's. I don't think anyone has had a life like Hazel and Eve's


AN: while telling you guys the story he is also telling Eve and the others but it won't be in "...."

I wasn't really the best kid when I was little. I had anger issues and I didn't like to talk to anyone about it. My parents said that I should talk to someone but I hate the thought of it so I never did. My parents said that the only reason I was getting angrier was cause I wasn't talking so someday they made me go to a therapist to talk about it. They didn't let me have a choice so I had to go. When I first go there I didn't really talk. My therapist was a man in his early 30's and his name is rick. He tried to talk to me about it but I kept rolling my eyes at him. This happened about for two more sessions until he got sick of it. So he told me about him and that he had to go to therapy to for anger issue like me. He said that he got angry at a lot of things, simple things. Like being told clean his room or do something that he doesn't want to do. He told me that he would just black out from being so angry at something do simple. After he said all theses thing he said that I wouldn't of been like him. But I said that I had and that I sometimes back out on the simplest things like him. And it was true I had done a couple of time and every time I wake up I would think way was I do angry when I did t have to be. I told him all this and asked how it he get over it. Since he is was calm every time I see him and he a therapist so he would of figured out how to not be angry. After that he started to say things like if anything happened call he at anytime night or day and he would answer. At first I didn't understand what he was talking about so I said sure. I mean I just guess he was talking about being angry and I knew that I would need to call him. But he wasn't talking about that.

About a four days later and it wad a full moon. I started to feel weird and I had this urge to go to the woods so I did. I didn't think if why I wanted to go to the woods. Than out of no where I stated to feel like my bones where cracking and it was painful. I didn't know that was going on so I just did what my therapist said. Call him at any time of the day it night if I ever have any problems and this was a problem and one that I didn't know what to do. So I called him and I told him where I was and he can. He told me me to calm down but him saying that just made me angrier. Than I could feel myself change and than I was in a different body. I knew this cause my eyes was different, I could see in the dark. I was on all fours and to my shock I was coved in hairs. So I did thing the best thing i could do at that moment;I ran. All I really remember is tuning in the dark but I could see perfectly. Than I just woke up and I was naked lying on the dirty ground and I was had dirt all over me. I looked around and there was my therapist learning against a tree. He give me some clothes and told me what was happening. He told me that i was a werewolf and how I can control my anger and when I turned. So now I can turn into a full when ever I want and if I wanted to I can turn into a half wolf. He told me all about the supernatural world. He was with me when my parents died and he helped through it. After a while I wanted to travel and go places but rick didn't want to do I went alone and I haven't seen him seen.

That was my story and it's not sad or anything like Eve it hazel but every time I think about it I get sad cause I miss rick but it I didn't leave I wouldn't of meet Violet and hazel. Anyway there is one more story that still needs to be told and that was Violet. Actually I don't think Violet has ever told me about her past every time I asks she just answers with another question and than she answers that one instead of the one I asked. So I think that her is going to be sad but I have never seen Violet sad. I can tell that this story didn't end well cause a vampire can only be made when a vampire killed you and you didn't die so you have the vampire venom that turn you into one.

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