Who was it

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I stared at my porridge, watching the smiling face made from blueberries stare back at me. After my confrontation with Sirius, everything was weird and my feelings were being held down with this underlaying haze of guilt. Did I like him? Did I just like his attention? Why do I feel unusual around my boyfriend now!? I pushed the porridge away and stood, hoping a walk would help.

I was wrong. I somehow ended getting pulled down a corridor with faces I was very unhappy to see.
"So, one parent is down, one to go! He's even more a disgrace now. Just wait till his mother find out.... " Bellatrix sneered "you filthy mucky cow.... nothing but dogs. Your mother, yourself and I would say your father, but he's laying in the dirt now" her hyena shrill voice cackled and before I could take a moment to register what I was doing, I was on top of her, punching her hard in the jaw. I'll always fight muggle style. She did some damage too;my eye swelled and my lip was bleeding a river of red.
I lifted my head slightly from the floor, my blurred vision making out the face of one so familiar. He looked at me sad and hung his head away slightly.

"Bellatrix enough" His voice cracked slight but still had authoritative strength.

"Don't you dare Regul-"

"McGonagall." Was all he had to say. The knee stuck in my chest lifted and the pressure was gone. Foot steps ran off into the distance. I let out a tiny cry of pain. It wasn't from the hitting or abuse. It was for my father, for the cutting words she stabbed into me.

"Miss Green!" Her sweet Scottish voice shrieked, kneeling beside me as she took a good look at me. "Mr Black, I trust that you had no part in this" her tone was venomous and fearful.

"No, he was just leaving the bathroom when he saw me then you came around the corner" I was hoarse but managed to squeeze it out. Regulus nodded and kneeled beside me also, his hand taking mind suddenly, a gesture I was never expecting to get.
I was lifted by the two of them, trying so hard not to keel over and vomit.

- - - // - - -

"Who was it"

"I'm fine"

"I'm not asking you if you're fine Miss Green! I want to know who do this!" She pushed open the door, the professor and Madam Pomfrey assisting me in. My eyes never stopped crying but I was silent. Regulus left after helping me up, making sure I was okay and no doubt scared of what his brother would say if he saw him and me together in the circumstance I was in.

"Max!" The frightful shriek of the boy that left me last night, echoed behind a curtain. What was he doing her?

I laid down and closed my eyes, well one since the other was too swollen to use properly. The professor left along with Madam Pomfrey to discuss finding out who did this. I wasn't going to say anyway. I didn't want to see Sirius either, I didn't want a reminder of the fight. It all happened because of us, all because of this fucking friendship. I didn't think I'd get angry, but I was and most of all; scared.

I sobbed quietly until I felt the bed go down slightly by my legs.
I opened my eye that I could see out of and looked at the beautiful but troublesome boy. His face too was banged up; scratches, cuts and bruises. The lot. He looked hard at me, his jaw clenched and anger was hung over him.

"Don't bother asking" I muttered "why are you in here Black?"
I tried not to look at him, the pain around my body feeling worse.

"Don't say that" he whispered. I didn't respond, I just waited for him to reply to what I had asked...
After what felt like forever, he told me a long and very frightful story about
Remus, whom was laying beside me with James and Peter sitting in arm chairs, watching us both.

"I hope he didnt suffer to much" I turned to the side to look at the usual quiet but playfully clever boy.

"Just tired this time. Max, who did that to you!" James intervened this time, knowing that I was acting strangely towards Sirius.

"It doesn't matt-"

"YES IT DOES" Sirius snapped. I watched his crazy eyes and it took him a while but caught on to why I said what I said. He caught on that I was attacked because of our families and our friendship. He knew I was hurt because of his psycho family.

"Maximillion" he sighed, his eyes tearing up. He scooted towards me further and gently brushed back my hair. "I'm going to set her hair on fire and skin her alive. Mark my words" his voice didn't detect a single hint of joking in it. Nothing but pure truth and that frightened me a little.

Today I learned two things: Remus is a raging werewolf and his best friends are literally superheroes who fight him to save everyone and Sirius could end up killing someone someday....

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