2 | news

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Chapter 2: news
News: noun; newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events.
2. News

"How'd this happen?" I said gong back and forth, pacing our dorm room.

      "I don't know, you tell me war hero." Anna said emphasizing 'war hero'.

      "Ugh! It's only been 2 months and I'm already in the paper." I yelled, pulling on my hair.

      "You tell me, why are they calling you a war hero?"

      "That's a story for later, did the paper say anything else?" I asked

      I didn't want to read it, so Anna was reporting for me. "They also talked about someone named Blake?"

      My heart stopped and I fell, hitting my head on the door knob of our bathroom door. I groaned as I rubbed where my head hit the knob, is this a nightmare?

      "No, its not." She said, I must have thought aloud. "I'm going to get dinner, when I come back, you better tell me what's going on." She said leaving the room, slamming the door as she left, I cringed at the loud sound before getting up and sitting on my bed.

      Our dorm room had one window with two twin bunk beds on either side with the desks underneath the bed part, with the bathroom door being on the foot of Anna's bed on the left side of the room. My side consisted of allot of peach and light blue colors, while Anna's was purple and dark blue.

      Anna was from New York and had a mellow attitude towards everything, we hit it off right away when we first met. She was the only one I talked to when I came here, I shut off everyone that said hi to me, or even waved.

      I didn't need anyone else in my life, but Anna helps to keep me from falling off the cliff of sanity.

      I passed out on the floor and Anna had to wake me up two hours later after she finally came back from her dinner run. She brought back Panera Mac and Chesse for me, and I almost kissed her.

      She's my hero.

      We both sat on our beds facing each other while eating our food in peace until Anna broke the silence. "So....who's Blake?"

      I sighed. "He's my ex-boyfriend."

      Anna laughed. "The newspaper made it look like you two where dating! How ironic."

      I almost choked on my food. "What! What was that article about?"

      Anna put down her sandwich. "It said that he gave a speech at a seminar that you where a war hero and that you saved his life and that he was in debt to you."

      I coughed. "What! He wasn't supposed to tell anyone." I murmured the last part.

      "What did you even do?"

      "I saved his ass, that's what."

      She laughed. "At least his sorry ass isn't dead."

      "Yea, he owes me, big time."

      After we ate a couple of bites of food, Anna asked the question I knew was coming. "So, why did the newspaper call you a war hero?"

      "I was on my third tour in Afghanistan, and Blake came with and a whole lot of shit went down and I may have saved a couple of people. It's really not a big deal."

     "Is that why you don't have a leg?" She asked cautiously.

      "Nah, I tried to save my brother on my second tour and got blown up."

    Anna nodded as if it where normal and continued to eat; this is why I love her!


      Walking into my first class of the day I was met with a round of applause, everyone standing up and smiling at me as if they've known me their whole lives.

      I just gave a half hearted smile back and slummed  into my chair as fast as I could, avoiding eye contact with my professor.

      This class was called Introduction to Ethnic Studies, and it was based on ethnicity of literature and religions of different cultures.

      I want to shoot myself.

      Honest, this class was eye-rolling-boring.

       I shrugged off all the stares and took out my notes as the teacher finally started the lecture, sometimes stopping to tell students to pay attention. We had 15 minutes left in class when the teacher suddenly stopped and turned his attention towards me.

      "Miss Clarke, since I can't get my class to pay attention to the lecture, and all they do is stare at you would you mind telling me the reason behind that?"

      I turned bright red as the teacher singled me out in the sea of students. "Um, I don't know." I said playing dumb.

      He shot daggers at me until a girl shot her hand in the air and answered his question. "She's a war hero Sir."

      She smiled at me as if saying your welcome, but instead I wanted to flip her off. The teacher swiveled his attention back to me and his mood changed as if it where bipolar.

      "Really!" He said sounding creepily happy as he smiled at me.

      I pulled my hood over my head and rushed out of the classroom as I slammed the lecture halls doors shut I bolted towards the buildings exit and into the fresh air.

      I threw myself out of that retched building and sat down on the nearest bench, almost breaking into tears. Why can't I go to one school and not have people judge me?

      I put my head in between my hands as I tried to clear my thoughts and think about anything else but this. As I was about to pull my phone out to text Anna someone tapped me on my shoulder.

      "Need a hug?" He asked.

      I knew that voice, I've missed that voice.
Note: anyone still reading?
🤔Question: favorite chip flavor?--->

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