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      Bullying is no fun and when people become the victims, they try to morph themselves so they look different and they try to look like the 'norm'. Free Your Body Act is a way to say that you should be yourself no matter what, that even in your hardest moments, so one is always there to support you.

      The Military In- Series is apart of the Free Your Body Act And while writing this poem, I thought of everyone that felt like an outcast or loner, so here's a crappy poem that some of you might relate to....

Shy girl in the corner
Geek in the library
Nerd in the bandroom
Athlete on the field
Actor on the stage
They tell me your an outcast, I don't understand because I have
Seen your personality shine through like the sun
The way you carry yourself is awe inspiring
And they tell me your dumb and stupid, but what they say
Isn't true, you are smart and clever
No one can outrun you
They tell me your awkward and weird, why do they lie
When they know your just quirky and outgoing
Courageous and Fierce don't even begin to describe what you are
You mean more to the world than you'll ever know
The world needs you like humans need oxygen
When you take our breaths away we thank you
For you have graced this world with your presence everyday
Your smile, uncovered in makeup
Your face hidden by glasses
The smile that carries your emotions, always there for the world to watch
You are the actor in your life
The athlete in the hallways
The nerd who could outplay anyone
The geek who can pass any class you put your mind to
And you are the shy girl in the corner, the one everyone admires everyday
For the courage she shows in staying silent
In her own little world
And for the perseverance you can hold over your life
Even though they might say your an outcast
Those outcasts are the future
You are the future.

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