9 | hospital

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Chapter 9: hospital
Hospital: noun; an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people
9. Hospital

"I'll give you some pain relievers and I would like to meet with you in a month to look at it again." The doctor said after checking out my shoulder.

I said a quick thank you after he gave me the pain relievers and walked out to the waiting room where Blake sat. Once I came into the room he looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

He jogged up to me. "Let's getting going Clarke."

I nodded in agreement and we headed out to the parking lot. Once I got into the passenger seat and blasted the air condition I grabbed my water bottle from the cup holder. Once I got out the tablet I took a swig of water and swallowed the pill effortlessly.

"Woah, are you taking drugs in my car?" Blake asked jokingly.

I scoffed. "I have to because of you."

He gave me a sideways glance as he drove onto the highway. "So what was wrong with you?"

I shrugged. "You injured my bullet wound."

He instantly looked at me, taking his eyes off the road and gave me a worried look. "What!" He yelled. "How is it? Is it ok?" He asked, still driving blindly down the road.

"Keep your eyes on the road doufass." I commanded. Once he put his eyes on the road I elaborated. "When you get shot, it has a lasting affect on your body. One being that it's very fragile. When you yanked me back it strained it."

Blake nodded in understanding. "Sorry Sam."

I almost didn't catch the saddened look that crossed his face before it disappeared. In a fleeting moment I thought I saw Blake being concerned for me.

I guess not.

"You can just drop me off at my dorm." I stated, pointing at the parking lot in front of my building.

We neared my building but before I could even blink Blake passed the building and kept driving towards an unknown destination. "Blake, you missed it."

"I know."

I was left dumbfounded by his statement. "Well than where the hell are you driving?" I asked, anger getting the best of me.

"Did you really think that when I said we should talk that I was kidding?" He shot back.

My jaw must have hit the floor because Blake was laughing at my expression. I crossed my arms over my chest and swore under my breath as I looked out the window.

"Sam let me start over." He asked.

I ignored him and looked at the passing scenery in front of me.

"I'll get you Panera...." he taunted as we neared the strip-mall.

I grumbled a sure as he exited off the highway and into the parking lot next to Panera. He knows my weakness and I hate it.


"Ok, I've given you your food, and now I need answers to my questions." Blake said.

I groaned. "Ugh fine."

"Why are you mad at me? What did I do? We where fine back on tour and you've been ignoring."

"You made a promise to me when I saved your dumb ass in Afghanistan that you wouldn't broadcast it across the world and blow it out of proportions and you did, you did it on the Today Show!" I accused.

His face hardened. "I-I didn't realize. I'm sorry." He apologized.

And that's when it hit me, he didn't know he broke it. He didn't know he hurt my feelings and broke a promise he didn't even know about.

Wow, I feel terrible now.

We sat in silence for the longest time after we got our food, not even the cheesy goodness of this Mac and Cheese couldn't tear me away from the tension in the air.

"We should get going." Blake said after a while.

I nodded, not wanting to talk. Before we left I bought a San Pelligrino and an orange scone for Anna-because I'm a good roommate. We made it to the car and then five minutes later and we got stuck in traffic.

Rush hour in Los Angeles is the worst time of day. Blake let out a frustrated sigh as he saw the line of cars stretch down the highway. And on top of that the awkwardness in the car could be cut with a knife, since when did this happen with Blake?

Blake and I used to love hanging out and joke around, and now I couldn't even talk in front of him. What have I done to this relationship?


You want to know what I love the best in the world?

Anna McLain Hazel the third. And yes that's her full name. She's a spunky, outspoken, understanding best friend/roommate that can see right through me.

So when I came home and saw that she had set up the tv for a movie night with blankets and pillows with two tubs of ice cream I couldn't be happier.

I ran up to Anna and hugged the living daylights out of her. Thanking her over and over again as I stuffed my face with peppermint bark ice cream.

She ate her cookie dough ice cream next to me as we watched How I Met Your Mother on Netflix. We both ignored the homework on our desks as we stayed up until three in the morning watching all of our favorite episodes.

I turned off the tv as Anna put our dirty dishes away. She sat down in her desk chair and shuffled a yawn, giving me a look. "So, how was Blake today?" She asked thoughtfully.

I gave her a warm smile. "Thanks for asking, it went ok I guess."

"I guess?" She asked confused.

"Yea, we fought kind of, but he bought me Panera." I almost shot out of my company chair and grabbed the bag of Panera off my desk. "-which I got some for you." I stated, handing her the bag of treats and the drink.

She laughed and grabbed it from my outstretched hand. "Thanks Sam, I love you." She said jokingly.

"Love you too bestie for the restie."

Note: kind of a filler chapter, getting some fluff of Sam and Anna in there for once :)
🤔Question: favorite type of ice cream?—>
Also, did any of you recognize the quote off to the side? —>

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