Twenty Six

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Kenny once again found herself in the library after school on Wednesday. She spent about two hours finishing the pile of papers Mrs. Lin had given her and completing her homework before continuing her search for the Darkness. The library was silent, excluding the soft shuffle of Miss Gavin's shoes as she shelved books (which, considering how often she was in the library, was a rare occurrence). The quiet was uninterrupted the entire time Kenny was there. However, at about six forty five, someone other than Miss Gavin entered the room.

Kenny continued reading as the door to the library slammed closed. She assumed one of the other regulars at the library had come in to return a book. It wasn't until she heard the boy's voice that the young girl realized the person who had entered was not trying to return a book-- he had come solely with the intent of bothering her.

"Greetings, mute. Is this how you spend your spare time? Reading? In all honesty, I don't find it very surprising."

Kenny jumped at Einstein's voice, losing her page in her book. She turned to glare at the boy. He was standing close behind her, which clued the girl that he had startled her on purpose. Her cards were out in two heartbeats. Why are you here?

Einstein pretended to look hurt. "I can't find my way into the library on a Wednesday afternoon?"

Kenny shook her head and then showed him another one of her cards. No, you cannot. She expected the boy to scowl, but he smiled smugly instead.

"Watch yourself, Hawking. If you say something that offends someone in the slightest, certain students will want to start fights. The young ones may even bite you. It's practically impossible to manipulate teachers out of taking you to the principal's office once they find you fighting."

Kenny frowned Einstein. The boy was chuckling, despite his troublesome words. She remembered her dream last night and hoped she would never find herself in a fight such as that one. However, she doubted Einstein would start a brawl with her over snide comments, so she pulled out a card that asked him to leave her alone.

Einstein opened his mouth to say something, but he paused. His amused expression faded and was replaced by a stony look. The boy pointed at the book Kenny had been reading and asked, "What were you looking for side effects for?"

None of your concern, Kenny replied, placing a medical book about causes for syncopes on top of the book. At this, Einstein's face seemed to darken.

"Are you having fainting spells? Are you having Black Outs?" he demanded of the young girl.

The young girl shook the card in her hand to emphasize that this was her matter and he shouldn't worry about it. Instead, the boy shook his head. He picked up the book on syncopes and thumbed through it. Kenny pursed her lips in irritation.

"You're not going to find any information on Black Outs here or in the book on side effects," he murmured. "However, I do know of a place where you can learn about them. Remember those files you stole from Miss Kaylee's room?"

Kenny gasped and went cold. How did Einstein know about the files? She hadn't told him about them, had she? Had he found them in her closet? But that was impossible!

Einstein looked up at the shocked girl and smirked. "Did you think I put your index cards inside of the backpack by accident? I wanted you to take the backpack, Hawking. The files were in the backpack, and you need to decipher them."

Why? Kenny asked, appalled. She was so flustered, she almost showed Einstein the wrong card.

"There's a multitude of information about Black Outs in those files, along with some other things. If you decipher them, you'll have access to it."

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