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♡Daniel's Pov♡

Song of the chapter: James Blake- "Lindisfarne I & II"

A Few Months Later In August:

"Alright, I think this is the last box." I say with a grunt putting the final box into the moving truck. I shielded my eyes from the August sun. Jack stood beside me looking at all of the stuff, it wasn't a lot. It was mostly our clothes, personal items like our laptops and stuff, and some furniture from our rooms. We decided we'd buy furniture for the rest of the house once we got ourselves settled in first.

"So this is really it?" Corbyn says with his hands deep in the pockets of his jeans. Jonah and Zach stood on either side of him in a standoffish manner.

"Of course this isn't it Corbyn," I chuckle even though I'm sad. I pull him into a brief hug. "It's only the beginning actually."

"Besides of course we'll visit all the time, and we'll see you guys whenever you come over or when we come over." Jack adds to reassure him.

"I guess you're right, plus we are still a band, we kinda have to see each other." Zach pipes up kicking around the gravel beneath our feet. He looks at Jonah when he says the last part though.

"Looks like there's no getting away from us!" Jack shouts as we're attacked into a hug from all three boys.

"Well at least we don't have to hear you guys do it anymore." We all laugh at Zach's comment. Things feel normal again almost.

"We're gonna really miss you guys." I say with a meek smile. A string of yeah and same follow after as we part.

"Well," Jack trails off. "See ya." We wave at them and they return the gesture.

Jack takes our car to meet me at the house since I had to drive the moving truck. Adjusting my rear view mirror I see the boys watching us drive off. I smile even though they can't see me. This is only the beginning.

After a short drive we pull up into the houses driveway. It's going on one in the afternoon and it's time to start carrying in boxes. I shut off the car as Jack walks over to me, flashing me a sweet smile as I step down from the truck.

"Let's get this over with." I say lifting up the door to unveil the boxes we'd be carrying in. We work on moving in the boxes, probably walking up and down that drive way a million times. Me and Jack are both pretty sweaty and tired with sweat across our foreheads. An hour has passed and we only had two boxes left. One for me, and one for Jack.

I set the box down on the pavement to shut the back of the truck. Jack is waiting for me with a box in his hand. I lift the box off the ground beneath me. "Now I just have to survive these last few steps." I sigh as Jack laughs. I follow behind him kicking the front door shut with my foot as we both set the boxes down. I blow out a breath of air placing my hands on my hips. Moving is a lot of work.

"Now tomorrow we'll carry the stuff that belongs upstairs, upstairs." Jack says sitting down on the stairs.


Around five-ish I go and return the rental truck and then Jack picks me up and we head to the grocery store to do some slight grocery shopping. Jack is pushing the cart trying to decide what we should make for dinner. We're mostly playing around though doing wheelies with the empty cart and trying to make puns out of the different brand names like Liza Koshy.

"Alright, alright," Jack says trying to stop laughing. "I've got a good one," He says holding up his index finger. He grabs a container of some type of herbicide called 'Nip it in the bud'. "Why don't we just nip this grocery shopping in the bud and head home." We both laugh even though the pun was very corny, it was just entertaining.

"I can do better." I challenge. He pushes his hair out of his face and gives me a 'you really think so' look. "Watch and learn,"'I say walking over to the produce aisle as Jack follows. I pick up a beet and Jack snickers. "You make my heart skip a beet." I place my hand over my chest for dramatic effect. We both laugh some more as I place the beet back down.

"Alright I'll admit defeat, but let's seriously figure out what we should have for dinner." Jack says as we walk side by side.

"I'm thinking burritos." I say looking around the aisle seeing some of the necessary ingredients for the food I want.

"Beans make you gassy, and we're not sleeping in the same proximity if we have burritos." Jacks face scrunched up in disgust at the thought.

"Then we'll leave out the beans, duh." I grin at him knowing he's growing impatient with me.

"What is a burrito without beans though?" I shrug. "I want Chipotle now." He pouts leaning on the cart and pushing it. I give his butt a love tap that makes him shoot up in surprise. He glares at me before it turns into a smile.

"Let's just get some basic necessities for home and go to Chipotle for dinner." I wrap an arm around his waist as we begin walking again.

"That's actually a great idea, see this is why I married you."

Finally back home we put away the groceries before going upstairs. I can't lie, it felt weird to not be greeted by all the other boys. Instead it was just us, not that I didn't like that, it was just a foreign feeling. It felt odd having this house all to ourselves. To imagine we used to complain about never having enough privacy now we have privacy all the time.

In our new room we looked around the empty space. I'm sure Jack was feeling the same way as me as we stared around. It was that feeling you get whenever you move, everything just felt different. We'd get used to it eventually.

♡Author's Note♡

A short filler chapter :)

Word Count Not Including A/N: 1041

QOTD: Fave song atm?

♡Thanks for reading ily♡

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