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Jack's Pov

October 31

"Daniel that's crooked," I let out another string of sighs looking at the 'Happy Halloween' banner Daniel had hung up outside the front door.

"No it's not!" He says stepping down from the ladder cocking his head to the side. "If you turn your head a little it's straight."

"Daniel that banner is about as straight as us." I say looking at him with raised eyebrows. Upon looking at me he grumbles and marches back up the ladder to fix it. I smile haven gotten my way.

"Is that better?" He says turning to look at me for approval, still on the ladder.

"Better." I flash him a thumbs up.

"Alright so that's the last of everything?" He says stepping down from the ladder again.

"Mhm, everything is setup now we just have to change into our costumes, and wait for our guests to arrive." I say excitedly. Today would be the boys first time seeing the house as well as a few other people we had invited that work with us and other friends. Daniel and I spent the whole day pasting Halloween themed stickers on things, setting pumpkins on the front porch, hanging up fake ghosts and spiders, putting fake cobwebs in the bushes, and we also setup a food table in the dining room. The house was fully furnished now, so we decided why not throw a late housewarming party.

Going back inside the house we both make our way upstairs to shower and put on our costumes. Daniel is dressing up as Luigi and I'm dressing up as Mario. Yeah, we're that kind of couple.

Now getting dressed Daniel was spraying way too much cologne suffocating me, and I was struggling with the buttons on my overalls.

"Daniel that is enough cologne!" I yell at him making him cease spraying. "Thank you, now could you help me with this stupid button." I sigh. He comes around to the other side of the bed where I am.

"Everything okay?" He asks as he's focused on buttoning the thing.

"I'm a nervous wreck." I admit running my hands through my hair. Despite having everything all ready, I still felt nervous at the pit of my stomach though. We see the boys pretty much all the time but they've never seen the house and I needed everything to be perfect.

"Jack everything's fine. Our costumes are killer," I chuckle as he does a little pose, his thumb and index fingers under his chin, and his lips in a pout. I laughed harder realizing we both probably looked silly with our fake mustaches. "The decor is spooktastic, music will be bumpin, and you're my pumpkin... pumpkin." He winks at me.

"Very well put." I laugh again as he pulls me into a comforting hug.

The party was going well, as Daniel had tried to convince me earlier. There were way more people here then I expected though. People came in all sorts of costumes, some scary, some funny, and some unexplainable ones as well. Speaking of guests and costumes, where are the boys? The ring of the doorbell suddenly pulls me out of my thought trance as I set down my cup of punch and scurry off to the door. I open it to reveal my three best friends. They attack me into a hug and Daniel comes into the entrance hall and joins in. We're all smiling and laughing as we pull apart.

"You guys twinned, seriously?" Corbyn asks with a chuckle looking at me and Daniel.

"Oh shut up, this is too adorable." Zach raves. "Besides what are you supposed to be?" Zach turns to Corbyn.

"Probably some character from that game you play so much." I say with a grin making the rest chuckle.

" 'That game' is called League of Legends." He says crossing his arms.

"Whatever," Daniel says as we all laugh.

"Oh come on Zach you have on the most generic costume ever." Corbyn says drawing our attention back to Zach who was dressed as a vampire. He's probably the twentieth or so person with that costume.

"Can we all just make fun of the couple, I mean come on they dressed up as Mario and Luigi." Zach scoffs with a grin.

"Well at least I'm not dressed up as a hot dog." Jack says as we all turn to Jonah who was indeed dressed up as a hot dog with mustard.

"It was short notice." He shrugs, I squint my eyes in confusion. He had a good amount of time to decide on a better costume. We all just roll our eyes and laugh and make our way into the living room to dance. Thrashing about to the music, laughing, and joking made it feel like we had never left. Somewhere along the night though we lost track of Zach, Corbyn somehow ended up on FaceTime with Christina, Jonah was dancing with someone new every time I spotted him seemingly enjoying himself, which left me and Jack to dance together. Overall though it was all so fun.

After the party had died down and guest began leaving Corbyn and Jonah stayed behind to help cleanup. Zach was nowhere to be found still. He probably turned in early for the night I assumed. Pretty soon once most of the cleanup was done Jonah and Corbyn went home as well as Zach. He had been with someone but he left too quick for me to see who he was. Which left me and Jack to finish.

"Gosh I'm tired." I announce with a yawn throwing away abandoned red solo party cups.

"Me too, let's just finish this in the morning." Jack says setting the broom back in its rightful place. I throw one last cup in the trash.

"Agreed," I say going over to Jack as we made our way upstairs. "The party was a success don't you think?" Now in our rooms we begin undressing from our costumes.

"Yeah I don't know what I was nervous about." Jack chuckles tossing his clothes in the hamper in our bathroom. Afterwards he leaps in bed, as do I after turning off the light.

"Goodnight." He says kissing my cheek.

"Night." I say as we cuddle before falling asleep.

♡Author's Notes♡

These chapters are gonna be pretty boring but it's all about progression so just hang in there. Also the house pic in the beginning is where they live now (very unrealistic, I'm aware, but bear in mind this is a work of fiction lol). The Zonah story is up! It's called "Reunited" and for more of the Zonah side of the story you should check it out :)

Word Count Not Including A/N: 1025

QOTD: Favorite song atm?

♡Thanks for reading ily♡

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