♡13 ♡

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♡ Daniels Pov ♡

It took all the way until the next day for the paint to dry and the whole house smelt like a fresh paint job ever since. Today was our last day at finishing up this nursery before having to go get little Finn tomorrow which was Christmas Eve. Luckily we did all our Christmas shopping early or else we'd have way more work on our hands then we could handle.

"And that's it for the crib." I say making one final adjustment to the supports. Jack is putting up beach themed wall stickers of starfish, seashells, marine life, surf boards, shades, and Suns. Just above the crib on the wall were huge wooden block letters that spelled out Finn. Beside the crib was a pastel yellow dresser with one of those Dreamlite night light pillows from tv on top. The other side of the room consisted of a changing station and a bunch of plush toys and a few noise makers that we'd probably regret buying later on. In the corner was a simple rocking chair mostly to fill space along with a carrier and other baby necessities.

"How do you think our parents are going to react?" Jack asks staring around the complete room. I hadn't even given this some thought.

"I really don't know." And that was the truth. No one knew of our plans except for the boys.

"Do you ever regret any of this?" Now this I had the answer to.

"Everything I've done that led me to the band, to you, to this," I gesture around. "I'm proud of it all. Sure some thing's were dumb decisions but it got me to where I am today and for that I am forever grateful. To have you I'm forever grateful." Jacks smile is unfaltering and if I'm not mistaken I think I see tears forming in his eyes.

"You're so sappy I hate you." He chuckles but I can see him blushing.

"You love me for it." I pull him in for a hug by his waist and he snuggles his face into the crook of my neck. I could never wrap my brain around how I became so lucky. Then in runs Goldie the blocker himself. "I know you've only come for food." I say scooping Goldie up into my arms and holding Jacks hand with my freehand. "And to ruin the moment." I say lowly and if dogs understood people I'm pretty sure he's saying something in response the way he's barking at me.


"Now the rules are to simply keep him alive?" Jack asks, it was a stupid question but I entertained him anyways. He's just nervous since we're on our way to get Finn, then afterwards going home where our family awaits us when they land. My moms called a dozen times to alert me that they're landing soon and that they're going to just take the taxi straight to ours since we're busy.

"I mean there's a little more to it than that we gotta like feed him, change him, buy him stuff, and you know just take care of him." I answer without breaking focus on the road.

"Okay," He says. "Okay." And another under his breath.

We arrive at the adoption center and this time it's decorated for the holidays. Lights are strung up outside, in the center of the lobby is a tall Christmas tree with pictures of all the kids adopted this year and handmade ornaments probably done by kids, and complimentary candy canes sat out in a dish on the front desk. It was all so pretty and the calming sent of vanilla made me feel so at ease. We approach the desk to the same lady as last time. We both try not to giggle at how silly her festive antler head band looks as we say our names. We sit in the same seats as last time and wait. Mrs.Rivera comes out and greets us with a happy smile and a jolly hug for the both of us.

"Happy holidays you too!" Shes so cheery and it's just contagious.

"Happy holidays!" Me and Jack respond in unison.

"Alright so today is the day, are you guys excited?" She asks.

"Nervous but excited nonetheless." Jack responds on our behalf and I nod in agreement.

"Hey and that's okay, it's totally understandable. Now all you're going to be doing today is signing a few papers, getting a birth certificate, and of course taking your baby boy home." Jack and I are holding hands nodding along to her fast talking as we follow behind her. She opens the door to her office. Everything's the same except a brunette lady sitting in a chair holding a little baby. "Okay so this is Mrs.Greene one of the adoption home guardians who specializes in acting as a care taker to the younger kids." We shake her hand and take our seats. Soon to be baby Finn is sleeping in her arms.

"Hello," The woman, Mrs.Greene, says in an equally cheery voice as Ms.Rivera. "He's pretty tired after a long trip down here from the home." She chuckles looking down at Finn. "I'm sure his new parents want to hold him. You want to hold your son I'm sure." She says with a sweet laugh and I nod scooping him so carefully out of her arms. He's so small and warm bundled up in a blue blanket and a little white hat.

"Alright so let's get started." I pass the baby to Jack for a while and then he passes him back to Mrs.Greene as we both sign papers. We signed a bunch of legal documents and adoption things. Lastly we signed off the birth certificate changing his name to Finn Seavey-Avery which just made everything feel even more official. We're officially parents.

"You know," I began just as we finished wrapping things up. "I have to ask what happened?"

"What do you mean?" Mrs.Rivera looks confused at what I was trying to get at.

"To his family, I just simply can't believe anybody would just give him up willingly."

"Well I guess you have the right to know. Finn was the result of teen pregnancy, his father left his mother to care for him on her own and her parents basically disowned her. I guess with nowhere else to turn she didn't have much of a choice but to give the baby up." Mrs.Rivera says sadly but hen continues to speak. "Though I must admit I find it funny she requested to take no part in the whole process, I guess because it was too hard and she thought she would change her mind. But, she brought him to our care trusting we'd find the right couple and I believe we did." She smiles in attempt to lighten the mood again we nod in agreement. We then exchanged our goodbyes and made our way out.

After finally getting Finn we strapped him in his car seat in the backseat. Jack sat back there with him, already so attached, while I drove. I looked back in the mirror just grinning at how cute they are.

♡Author's Note♡

I'm pretty sure you guys hate me for constantly disappearing after a random update I'm sorry <3 You guys truly deserve an explanation and here it is. 1.) So the main reason why I go on a long hiatus so frequently is because I do not possess the skill of time management lol. 2.) I also run out of ideas and I like to think a story out to avoid like losing interest and not knowing where the story is heading and making me do rushed and short chapters. 3.) Most importantly I like to publish something that I'm totally confident in. I have anxiety and sometimes it makes me feel like I'm not good enough and I put myself right back in the shell that Wattpad and you guys as my friends and readers helped me break out of which I'm very thankful for you guys's comments and support really motivated my return. 4.) Im not trying to create excuses but writers block is very real and I almost lost inspiration for my books several times. 5.) Back to a happier note I'm here, I've been drafting, and I'm trying to write for you guys as well as myself again because I miss it and writing is my passion.

Side note:
Also about this chapter I have no clue how adoption works I winged this whole chapter lol

Word Count Not Including A/N: 966

♡Thanks for reading and I love you guys soooo much♡

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