Chapter 4: Beginning Ties

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  City of Talek


"How is there a city so lavished as this?" He began to dismount his horse in disbelief of the sight before him. He thought that it was something that you'd could of only dream of to see. Axel had then walked closer to the city completely dumbfounded by its beauty. The buildings reached enormous heights as they glistened from the evening sun that caressed the glass like surface. The steed he had stormed off the moment Axel had released the reigns. He cared for it not a moment as he relished in the beauty of the architecture. The Progminetor's Children had seen the scaled male that was dressed in his shabby prison outfit. He didn't notice the attention til he heard murmurs and felt pure hatred toward him. His chest felt tight, and he knew why. He began to run far from sight as "he" began to cross over. He knew that feeling all too well and it disgusted him. Not only himself, but the ones with such horrified glares and startled speech.

  "G...Godda-." He was cut short by a man in his mid thirties looking at the distraught Drakav with concerned eyes.

  "Are you okay," he asked Axel with a soft tone.

  Axel thought to himself, "Yikes! I'm gonna get myself killed if I don't show restraint." He then turned and smiled as he spoke, "A thousand pardons. Don't let the mere sight of a downed man fill you with pity. This One assures you of his safety."

  He didn't budge, just only the look in his eyes began to intensify. Axel saw that he was of the sympathetic sort. This allowed gears in his head to turn. A grin began to tug at his face, but he was able to control his expressions holding his simple smile.

  "I am Veer. I happened to see you run down this alley with a pained looked written on your face. You didn't show it, but it was apparent from your atmosphere."

  He hadn't realised yet that he was sitting in a dark alley with his head between his legs breathing quite heavily. Axel then stood up and faced the man. Veer had then stepped forward a bit and was showered in a bright glow from the evening sun. He stood nearly six feet tall, with brown hair that was short all around but had a long ponytail that was almost to his chest in the back. His somewhat bulk build complemented his forgivable looking face that gave an air of innocence. He was slender, yet you can tell he kept himself toned and his muscles disciplined. The sun light began to dawn on his skin tone as it gave off a light brown tone from the light. It wasn't clear as to what race he was. Humans and Nords were the same, but the Nords were true to heart as warriors, for they grew up in harsh environments where they survived in sand dunes and in the lasting and scorching sun. This gave them a newfound superiority over the inferior humans. It was said that the Nords had received the blessing of the great deity, Mirune, for their hardships and is passed on for generations through their bloodline. He brandished a long sword on his back which had a strange script on it. Axel was unable to see it entirely because of it being on the hilt.

  "This One could not thank you enough for being so humble as to show concern to the enemy of all. You truly are a just man, Mr. Veer." He placed his right hand over his heart and bowed to the very embarrassed male that watched as Axel bowed before him.

  "Please, raise your head. And you can call me by just Veer. No need for such formalities." He smiled back to Axel as he held out his hand for them to shake.

  Axel lifted his head and took a firm grip of his hand shaking it.

  A notification popped up at that moment in front of Axel.

Quest Completed: A Time To Breath

  With the help of the Dark Elf, Sirtis, you were both able to escape the prison of Heldin. After leaving the land and crossing the border to the city of Talek, you've now tasked yourself with finding a place of residence.

  You have leveled up.

  You have leveled up.

  You have leveled up.

  You have leveled up.

  Reward(s): Starter long sword, and 60 kiel.


  He was snapped back by Veer who caught his attention. "Would you happen to be in need of a place of respite?I own a training hall not far from here. We welcome all with open arms if you like."

  A ding was heard as he had a new quest pop up.

New Quest: My Home Is Your Home


  1. Befriended the training arena keeper, Veer.

  2. Showed that you are a gentle yet firm heart to Veer.

  After your sense of singularity in unfamiliar land , you wandered across a kindred soul who has given you a place to sleep and train.

  Do you wish to accept?

  Yes or No 

  "I accept." Axel smiled as Veer reached out and hugged him. He felt weird from his display of acceptance to the lone wander. He didn't know how to respond from the look of shock on his face that was hidden behind Veer's head.

  Axel had followed closely behind Veer the entire way as he tried to not pay any mind to the glares they were receiving. He became used to it. After all, Leonard dealt with it as well. After being lost in thought for such a time, Veer shook Axel out his trance.

  "We've made it. Welcome to the 'Huntsman Grotto', Axel!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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