14. The Sweetest Sin

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Olivia opened her eyes to see nothing but darkness. She quickly shot up in the bed. "Sonny!" She cried out, her breathing heavy. The bedroom door opened letting light filter in the dark room. Sonny appeared in the door way, "I'm right here Liv." He said.

Olivia let out a sigh of relief, "Oh I thought you left."

Sonny sat at the end of the bed, "Now why would I do that? Do you really not have any faith in me?'

"Well no, I guess I'm just scared."

"Scared of what? I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." He promised.

"I know you won't but there's just so much to do now that we're having a baby."

"Olivia I think you just need to calm down and take things one at a time. Now we don't have to tell anybody for a while yet if you don't want to."

"What about Dante?' She asked.

"If you want to tell Dante right away you can it's up to you."

"Why are you putting all this preasure on me?"

"I'm not, well at least I'm not intending to. I'm trying to give you what you want."

"Sonny, what I want is for you and me to make decisions on this baby together, not just me." She said.

Sonny looked at her, she was so cute with her hair all messed up and no makeup on. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He said.

"Only a thousand times." Olivia giggled blushing.

"Well it's the truth and I mean it Liv. Any guy would be lucky enough to have you."

"And right now you're that guy." She reminded him.

"Are you saying that I got you?' He smiled.

"I'm saying you got ne." She beamed.

Sonny practically dove at Olivia, sending her back into all the pillows. His hands trailed along the sides of her body, feeling every inch of her. Olivia moaned as Sonny kissed her neck. It felt so wonderful to be with him again. It was almost like no time had passed at all.

"I love you Olivia Falconeri." Sonny breathed in her ear.

Just hearing him say her name made Olivia shiver.

"Sonny" She moaned.

Sonny looked into her beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you too." She said cupping his face with her palm.

"You're so beautiful here in the moonlight." He told her.

"A thousand and one." She giggled smiling at him.

"I have an idea" He said getting out of the bed.

"Oh no I know that voice." Olivia laughed sitting up.

"Why don't we go back to my place for the night?"

"Night? How long did I nap for?" Olivia asked getting off the bed.

"It's around 9:00. You were exhausted."

"Oh my gosh I can't believe I slept through the whole day."

"Liv, you're pregnant you needed the rest."

"Right but I don't remember feeling so tired with Dante." She said walking out of the room.

"That was a long time ago Liv, we're not so young anymore." He reminded her.

"You got that right." Olivia mused pouring herself a glass of water.

"So what do you say?' He asked.

"Say about what?" Olivia looked at him confused.

"Going back to my place, I know how much you love my bed." His mouth broke out into a smile and Olivia saw the dimples.

"I do love your bed Corinthos, but only when you're in it." She said, her tone serious.

"So are we going?"

"I guess we can, just let me pack a bag first." Olivia said heading into the bedroom.

They arrived at Sonny's a short time later. When Olivia entered the house she took in the sight of it. "Wow." She whispered.

"Something wrong?' Sonny asked locking the door.

"No, just the thought of our baby growing up in such a wonderful house. Dante never had that." She said heading for the stairs.

"Liv" Slnny groaned following her.

"I wasn't blaming you, I was just saying. She explained.

"Are you sure?'

"Yes Corinthos now would you stop worrying and make me feel like a woman!" She demanded.

"You are pregnant you know?"

"Yeah I what's your point?"

"Well, you know . . . are you really sure you want to be doing this?'

"Honey" Olivia said "I've never been more sure of anything than I am right now."

"You really mean that?"

"Yeah" She smiled.

"So you're not gonna wake up tomorrow and run out on me are you?"

"Not this time, we've got a bay on the way." She grinned.

"That's right we do. We're gonna be parents, again, together."

"Yes, together." Olivia repeated.

"I promise this baby will have the best life that we can give it." He said taking both of her hands in his own.

"Well, there's three thinsg I know for sure." Olivia said strutting up the stairs.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" Sonny asked following her.

"This baby is going to have one kick ass family.' She said opening the bedroom door.

"How can you be s sure?" Sonny asked entering the room.

"Hmm let me see" Olivia thought "He or she will have one tough big brother and the sexiest father Port Charles has ever seen." She said putting her arms around Sonny's neck.

"Not to mention the hottest mama in the whole world." Sonny smiled running his fingers through her hair.

"Oh this baby will have a wonderful life won't it?" Olivia asked leaning her head back, allowing Sonny full access to her neck.

He bent to kiss her skin, "Yes it will. He breathed.

They eventually wound up on the bed tangled in each other's arms. Olivia with her ehad on Sonny's bear chest and Sonny with his muscular arms tightly hold Olivia. For the first time in a long time they were both happy, for the same reason, at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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