Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

Amberly POV

"Hey Amberly what are you doing this afternoon, I have a test coming up and I'm in serious need of a cram session?" My best friend Jasmine came up to me asking. Not that we would end up studying anyway, we do this about twice a week, go to one another's house to do "homework" but always end up gossiping or finding something to eat the entire time.

"well I guess I'm going to be doing homework, your place or mine?" I asked knowing the answer, its Taco Tuesday and regardless of homework she is always at my house on Tuesdays.

"your house, its Taco Tuesday" see, knew it. But that's jasmine for you, always predictable and reliable, I guess that's why we have been best friend since the 1st grade. She is fairly average in the height department, unlike myself at 5'3 she has about 2 inches on me, and unlike my blond hair and blue eyes, she has brown hair and brown eyes. She is pretty though, and has a great personality...once you get past the ridiculous things that come out of her mouth when she speaks. When we first became friends my mom was sure id picked the craziest one, I did of course, but now my mom loves her as if she were her own, sometimes more than me I think.

"When does your dad put the roster out for the new team?" My dad is the baseball coach for our college team, MSU eagles, and tryouts were about two weeks ago, ever since we were young and my dad was coaching high school teams the two of us have been at his side for practices and games. Not so much as we were older but we did attend every game, just more and more from the stands. Hello why not, baseball pants, a dream come true.

"I'm not sure, he is keeping it a secret from me as punishment for replacing the sugar with salt last week" so I may play a prank or two on my dad, It's all in good sport and he plays them right back, but now he is just playing with my nerves!

"ohh what did your mom say about that one" of course she joins in on them, what best friends would just sit on the side lines

"nothing, I switched it back before she noticed, and told dad if he said anything id mention the dining table she has had her eyes on for the past few months" my mom Is a loving and wonderful woman but when we mess with her kitchen she gets upset, and I value life so I just try to always fix it before she notices.

" nice one! Alright I have to head home and finish a few things and them I will be over at your around 6, don't forget my chicken tacos"

"later" please like id forget....well my mom wouldn't forget at least.


"MOM IM HOME" I yelled knowing fully well she was in the kitchen making something sweet to eat.

"Hey Am, is it just going to be jasmine tonight or is someone else joining us, I'm about to place the order so I need to know?" My mom asked, I got my looks from my mom, she is around the same height as me, blond hair and blue eyes, and very beautiful in my opinion , she is also very friendly and welcoming, my mom is like my second best friend honestly , I can tell her anything and we laugh at the most ridiculous of things. Like Jasmine for instance.

"Just jasmine, however you know she will down about 5 of Mary's chicken tacos" my mom was an excellent cook but Mary, the owner of the taco stand, made some amazing tacos so we always let her do her thing on Tuesdays and just ordered some little pieces of heaven.

"you have nothing to say, you can eat just as many as her, and the two of yall will still eat cake after!" See, always defending her, I knew she loved her more. Well thats my mom for you, always speaking her mind.

"Hey mom, Am, have yall seen Kenzie or Luke?" my sister Heather came inside asking

"they are in the back yard cleaning out the pool because they got water balloons in it when they were goofing off, if you go outside you will join them in cleaning it" My mom may be loving and caring but appearances are everything to her, and while she may enjoy our harmless pranks on each other, she is very strict about us cleaning them up.

" It wasn't that important anyway, thanks mom" Heather said walking off. Like myself, all of my siblings look like our mom, Heather is the second oldest of us all, she is 24, then there is my brother Luke, who is 22, myself who is 19, my little sister Kenzie who is 17, then my oldest sister Bree is 26. Bree is the only one of us who has a family of her own, she has a baby on the way and a husband, we like him as if he were part of the family, they come over about once a week for family dinner. Heather has an apartment in town that she lives In with her boyfriend, I like him okay, she could do better, and then Luke, Kenzie and I live in the house still, with college only 20 minutes away we saw no point in leaving yet. Kenzie still goes to high school though so she didn't really have much of a choice.

Just as my mom got off the phone my dad walked in, and as he always does, gave my mom a kiss, they were honestly so cute, they still go on dates and he still surprises her with flowers, they were truly something to look up too as far as romance goes. Then he walked over to me and kissed my head, of course not without thumping my nose first. He may be someone to look up to in romance but he was an absolute child in everything else, always doing things like walking past us and giving us a little shove, or pretending to ignore us, even pulls pranks on a weekly basis. We may have got our moms looks, but we defiantly got his personality, my mom has been raising children since the day she met him. I love him though, he is very laid back and lets us do our own thing, if he doesn't join in with us. We like to see who can make mom the most agitated sometimes, all in good fun and she is a champ, sadly he still wins every time. My dad doesn't look that different than us though, he just has brown hair instead of blond but still blue eyes, Luke almost looks like him but lighter hair.

"I bumped into your chemistry professor today, she said your lab partner is pulling you down and wanted to switch you up with someone else, I was quite impressed that you were actually doing good in that class, good to know my money isn't going to waste on you yet" he may think he is funny, but he isn't, sadly however I know it was true because having a parent that works on the same campus as my teachers had been a real pain, heaven forbid I forget an assignment, phone call to the athletics right away, you'd think it was high school.

" haha your so funny, I bumped into a furniture magazine today, the dining table was calling moms name, maybe I should show it to her again"

"Hush before she hears you! You know good and well the table we have is perfectly fine, no need to waste money on a new one yet!"

"that's what I thought"

"I knew I shouldn't have let her talk me into kids, id have a much simpler life without all you pests driving me up the walls every day"

And that is pretty much how our afternoons are spent most days, playfully arguing with each other, but it even more fun when my sisters get in in it. And of course, jasmine came over and ate herself into a food coma, so she ended up staying the night.

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