Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Nick's Pov

Finally, Coach Mills posted the roster for this season's team, the guys and I have been waiting for weeks, honestly, I'm a little nervous. I made the team, thankfully, as well as a few of my other friends, Ryker, TJ, Aiden, Cooper, and Blair. There were others but I didn't know them just yet, truthfully, I didn't know these guys all that well but we considered each other friends and in the past month we have gotten close, so good enough for me. Tonight, we were all supposed to go to the coach's house to formally meet him and to get to know each other. It wasn't required but from what I have hear the coach is really big on family and we will be having quite a few practice and weekly meetings at his house so it's the best chance to made a good impression. But he seemed nice, he didn't yell until he was red in the face at us during tryouts and he has a good winning record, not perfect but well enough to know about.

"Nick, you ready to go, he said to be there by 5, we still gotta pick up the rest of the guys" TJ asked me, unlike the rest of the guys TJ and I have been together since we were young, our moms are friends and since we are only a week apart we have grown up together. He is like the little brother I never wanted.

"yeah lets go, I will drive"

After we picked up a few of the other we headed off to the address in the email. It was about a 10-minute drive from Cooper's house, so we would be there right o time. As we pulled up to the address give I was a bit surprised, I knew a coach's salary was good but dang, I didn't expect this.

"Holy Shit guys, who would have thought good ole' laid back Tim was loaded" Blair doesn't have much of a filter if you can't tell.

"He told us last year that his parents were the loaded ones, they started a big business somewhere and it was enough to last the coach's grandkids on a nice life, but since the coach and his wife Mrs. Kathy invested in some stuff they are able to have a good life, but they both still work, she is nurse at the hospital and he coaches. They are a nice family though, they are all really down to earth and like to have a good time." Ryker said, he was on the team last year and has already meet the family.

" don't they have like a hundred kids or something like that?" Blair asked, he is also the village idiot in his spare time.

"Really, a hundred kids, what did your mom do to you as a child, poor woman. They have 5 kids, 4 girls and a son" Ryker said looking at him as if he could catch the stupid just by sitting to close. I don't blame him.

"Are they good looking" Aiden asked, always on the hunt for a pretty girl

"Yeah, but they are the coach's daughters, I wouldn't put my money on them, besides I think only one of them is around our age, unless you're into older women...or guys" Ryker may think he is funny, but he isn't. I was listening though, I'd heard rumors from the guys who had been on the team that the coach had some pretty good looking kids, one of them especially. Apparently, she was really close with her dad and came to all the games, but biased on how I head a guy named Garret talking, most of them consider the girl like second family, I don't think I could be willing to go against her dad and the Older guys on the team to date one girl.

After we all got out of the car, it was a tight fit but thankfully I borrowed my sisters car for the night, the other guys would have got us lost if they were left with driving, we walked up to the front door and Ryker knocked, after about a minute an older lady who I'm guessing is Mrs. Miller, opened the door. She was pretty, and she looked very kind, she smiled at us and gave Ryker a hug and a kiss on the cheek, which he returned, saying it was good to see him again. Then she surprised the rest of us by giving us hugs also. Ryker wasn't kidding, this was a friendly family, but it wasn't weird, actually it was really welcoming.

"You boys just go straight out to the back, Tim is cooking on the grill, Ryker sweetheart you know the way don't you" she asked as a few more guys started arriving

"yes Ma'am "

"good, make yourself at home boys"

As we headed to the back I could hear her greeting other guys as she did us

"Is she always like that?" I asked

"yep, sooner or later she is goanna be like your second mom, as much time as we spend here, I'm glad she is so nice, plus she cooks really good and loves it when we ask her to make us lunch, it may sound childish, but trust me, by the time holidays come around, this is the place to be, and she always sends invitations" Well if Ryker is saying that much about her I'm impressed, he doesn't talk like that about anyone. Ever.

As we walked outside half the team was already there, most of them were guys who had been on the team previously, clearly they felt the same way as Ryker did.

"Hey boys, glad you came!" Coach Miller shouted to us as we walked out the door

"Of course, free food, who could pass it up. And I hear the misses is a phenomenal cook as well, I couldn't let this go by" TJ said going over to the coach

"glad to hear it, there are drinks In the cooler and you can hang out or some of the guys are playing soccer with the kids over there if you want to join, I have to warn you though, I raised some pretty brutal kids, so don't join if you can't take a hit. Ryker, you in?" Coach said as he flipped some burgers

"I think I'm going to pass, I'm quite fond of living actually"

"suit yourself, Nick, Cooper, Aiden what about yall. The boys could use a helping hand out there, they seem to be losing"

"why not, how bad can it be" Aiden replied for all of us, however he must not have been looking at the same game I was, because when I looked over I did not see a friendly game of soccer, I saw a girl body slam a guy named Andrew and easily kick the ball around him.

"I think I am going to sit this one out too, soccer isn't my sport" I said to the other two who were walking towards the group already.

"good choice Nick, I wouldn't play with that group of CHEATERS either" coach said, yelling cheaters loud enough for the group to hear him, he got a loud "I heard that" from what sounded like a girl, I can only guess one of his daughters. I took my time of living by looking at the girls playing soccer, they were all indeed very pretty, and they all resembled the coach's wife. And they had skill at soccer, I wonder if they played baseball as well.

The evening went pretty much like that, eventually we all ate, it was a good time, their family seemed really nice. I didn't meet any of his daughters though, they all sat together with a few of the older guys, I'm guessing they knew each other. The coach talked to us all about how he expected the season to go and went over the schedule, we had to meet up here again in a few days for our first practice, apparently most of our practices would be here since the girls' softball team needed the field and Coach had a field of his own, they built it a few years ago I think. I could see part of it from here, it looked pretty decent, it was down a hill that I can already tell we will be running, but for a home field it was exact size. After a few hours of hanging out we all started to leave, Mrs. Miller went around and gave a hug and a kiss on the check to everyone, she really was a sweet lady. Hopefully this season ca go by without a hitch.

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