Chapter 2 - The - Man - in - Red

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"Why do I have to go home this late!?" I groaned. I really hate Ms. Delphine! She's a pain. No wonder she's single and old. >.> Doesn't she know that mostly at this hour teenagers like me get rape and kidnap easily!!!??

"It's getting cold~" I complained. I was really fustrated. I really hate going home at this hour!!! Walking alone at night gives me the chills!

Out of nowhere a man showed up. He wore a hat that covers his eyes. A brown coat that reaches his ankles. Inside that coat he wore formal clothes. I felt a chill on my spine! When this happens to me I think something bad is going to happen.

I walked very fast, and ignored the guy

"um...miss?"the stranger said

~oh no! I failed!!!! ~ I thought. Then I looked at him slowly

"Yes, sir?" I asked nervously

"hmmm..." he cupped his chin

"You look cute for a high school student. May I know your name?" he came closer to me. But I backed away

~what the heck is with this guy!!!???~ I thought to myself. I was really nervous!

"s-sorry i can't answer that-" I told him. I tried to walk away but he blocked the way

"c'mon don't be shy, I was just asking" he smiled. But it creeped me out even more!

"s-s-sorry I really don't want to-" I was cut off because he pinned me on the wall

"I don't like people who ignore my question...!" he said with a serious tone in his voice

~w-what da!~ I thought. It was really hard to get free! he was so strong! I was helpless!!!

"I -said - NO!!!" I shouted.

I kicked his leg and started to run. But I was dragged back. When I look back I saw the stranger! He transformed! Into something - something dangerous! He turned into a- a MONSTER!!

"SOMEONE HELP ME!!!???" I shouted at the top of my lungs. But no one heared me. It was too late!!! I'm going to die!!! It was the end of me!!!

"Gotcha!!!" The monster said while his demonic hands grabbed me tightly. I struggled so much but I couldn't break free. I shouted again but no one heard me

"you look very delicious!" then he looked at me at the eye

~WHAT DA HECK IS WITH THIS CREEP!!!!~ I screamed in my head

"I can sense some power within with you, I see...." he said with a grin. He's eyes was grey and his stare was cold. It gave me chills!

"But your human right?" He asked while he grabbed my arm very hard.I moaned in pain, he was really strong!

"What the heck are you talking about!!!?? Im clealy human to you right!!?" I Screamed at his face

"Hmm....Not friendly huh?" he said then he suddenly gripped my neck and chocked me and i was above him right now.

"ahhh!" I screamed in pain. I tried to fight back but it was useless.

"I'll take your powers first. Then I'm going to eat you!" He whispered with a harsh tone.


Then i heared a gun shot from behind. In a split second I was on the ground coughing. Right next to me was the stranger. He was bleeding. Blood....There was blood dripping on the ground...I'm scared of blood. I turned white in horror at the sight of it. But I couldn't careless. I looked up at the person who saved me. He has sleek white hair, Sharp blue eyes and a muscular figure. He wears a blood - red coat. He doesn't have a shirt, bearing his chest. He's armed with 2 big guns and a large sword at his back. he looked down at me, his eyes softening.

I tried to stand up by myself but the red coated man helped me instead.

"you okay?" he said in a concerned way.

I only nod as a response. I couldn't talk because I was terrified.

"You little punk! Your going to pay for th-" he was cut off because the man in red stomped his head on the ground.

"shut up! Want me too get rid of that head of yours with just one blow?"he said. He pointed his black gun right at him.

"you wouldn't dare?" he said with a laugh

"try me?" the man in red pointed his gun on the stranger's head.

Then in a split second the monster charged right at him! I was almost hit by the monster, but I was rescued by the man in red. He carried me in bridal style. When we were on the ground he put me down on a safe spot.

"stay here for me would you?" he said with a wink. I blushed and just nodded again. The man in red looked very familiar to me..... but i couldn't remember

The - man - in - red switched sences into a hyper accelerated mode. It looks like whenever he's threatened he develops the ability to view events in extreme slow motion. But this does not mean that he slows down quite the opposite. He used his large sword in one swift motion. He looks like as if he's just playing with a toy. Then destroys the monster with one blow.The monster turned into dust as it died.

"Told you to shut up..." he said sarcastically. I watched in horror as the dust of the monster disappear. The thought that I was gonna die on the spot was horrible. I felt sick......and dizzy. It was like the world turned around a thousand times that I felt sick...... Then everything turned pitch black....

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