Chapter 3

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"Go Sam, Its ya birthday! Go Sam, its ya birthday! Go mmph!" Kate's singing was cut short by me chucking a pillow at her head.

"That was UNCALLED FOR , missy!" She shouted at me

"I don't really give a fuck Katie. Its too early to care" I groaned at her

"Early?! Its 10 and you promised Maria that you'd be up early today. You know how excited she is."

Indeed I did. Maria had this insane theory that, because I shifted late, Id find my,mate late too. She'd been rather upset last year that I hadn't found my mate and had made up a mad excuse for herself

"It may not be mad. I mean, if you think about it, its actually a rather logical explanation" said my wolf, Yuki.

"Oh fuck off Yuki" I told her playfully "We don't NEED a mate. The only good he'd be is that he'd make up a little stronger and we don't even need any more strength."

It was true. After discovering my white wolf, James had pounded training into me. Most days, he had me train from 5 in the morning till 8 at night. It was hard at the start but, after time, I had gotten used to it. To begin with, I wasn't even sure what the big deal with white wolves was anyway but after exploring book after book in the pack library, I came across a large book written by the last white wolf 400 years ago and it held a prophecy about me in it. Apparently, I was supposed to stop the end of days or something like that. According to Lewis, every wolf is supposed to be told the prophecy be after they shift which explained why I'd never heard it before.

When I was 17, I had become the best warrior in the pack and, once, took on over 10 wolves at once. That was when I was approached by the wolf council.

The wolf council is much like the president of America, except its made up of several people. There are the elders, Ronald and Maida, then the governers, Liam, Jonathan, Hika, Susan, Craig and Anne and, finally, the 10 wolf saints. There's me, Kendall, Scout, Laiken, Javier, Ashley, Katsa, Joan, Antonio and Maggie. The saints are like the warriors, we protect wolf kind from large threats and take down wolves that have grown to big and either try to take down packs or threaten to expose our kind to the humans. The saints come from all over the world, from places like Spain (Javier), Italy(Antonio) and France (Joan).

We have a wolf king too. His name is Edward and I've worked as a bodyguard for him once or twice. He's really nice and we've become really good friends. He's really young too, in his early twenties maybe.

It was hard juggling my responsibilities because, when I was 18, Lewisp gave the pack to me saying he was too old to look after it anymore and that he knew I'd be a good leader. I was reluctant to accept the offer at first but I knew I was the best choice for Alpha.

"Sam? Sam?" I'm snapped out me my thoughts by Kate shaking my shoulders, violently. She sighs in relief when she sees my face.

"You have twenty minutes to get up. Quick cos I have a surprise for you!" She shouts as she runs through the door.

I jump up and head to my bathroom and take a quick shower then hop out again and dry my hair. I decide to leave it down as I can't be bothered to do anything with it then I pull on some black skinnies and a red off the shoulder top. One me the advantages of lots of training is that you lose any fat you once had. I now have a perfectly flat stomach, long legs and slightly muscled arms. I give myself a quick nod of approval in the mirror and then walk down the stairs, slowly, cherishing the only peace I'll have at all today.

I'm humming gently to myself but freeze Mid-song. A woman with blonde hair and willowy legs is standing by the door. A huge smile breaks out on my face and I charge towards her


She chuckles lightly.

"SAMMI!" She screams in response. We stand there hugging for a while before a deep cough interrupts us. I turn to face the person who interrupted my happy moment but give up all pretense when I see the people standing there

"JAVIER! KENDALL!" I scream, running towards them and engulfing them in a hug.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Well, we couldn't miss your birthday now could we? Oh and the others send their love and say sorry they couldn't come but Liam's mate went into labour an hour ago, Maggie's on her honeymoon and the others are all on missions."

"Lily's in labour?! That's great!"

"I know! But honey, enough about that for now. Tell up what's been going on in your life"

I open my mouth to answer her but I'm cut short when Matt, my beta, came in

"Sam, sorry to interupt but we just got quite a worrying call come through. I didn't pick it up but they left a message. You may want to check it out." He said,scowling in disgust. What was wrong with him?

I frowned and headed for my office with the others following in my footsteps. I pressed the red flashing light on the answer machine. I collapsed as soon as I heard the voice

"Hello, this is Alpha Jason of the Redwood pack. I require assistance to help train my pack. We were attacked yesterday but weren't strong enough to fight then off. As I understand it, one of the wolf saints is the Alpha so, please, help us. 23 children died during the attack and I don't want that to happen again."

"Redwood pack" Kendall says looking thoughtful."Isn't that.."

"My old pack" I finish for him. Why didn't Jason know I was the Alpha? Oh wait it's cause a) they thought I was dead and b)I was labelled as Sam Taylor, under Lewis' second name.

"We don't have to go Sam" Matt said to me

I thought for a few moments then shook my head

"I may not want to go but I won't deny it's my duty to as a saint. I can't let my own feelings get in the way of what needs to be done" I stood up "Choose 50 wolves and call the other pack. Let them know we'll be there in 3 days"

With that, I walked out of my office and up to my bedroom. Worst. Birthday. EVER.

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